Central A&M Community Unit School District 21 Board of Education met Aug. 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call of Members
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Public Comment
A. Student(s) of Excellence
B. Citizen’s Agenda (Please contact the District Office 48 hours before meeting to be placed on the agenda. All speakers will be limited to 5 minutes.)
C. Requests for Use of Facilities to be Added to the Agenda
D. Items to be Added to the Agenda
V. Reports from District Administrators
VI. Financial Reports-Rick Hauffe, Business Manager
VII. Call for Executive Session (Closed Meeting)
Discussion of the Employment, Compensation, and/or Other Items Appropriate for Closed Session per 5 ILCS120/2
VIII. Return to Open Session
IX. Adopt Agenda-Motion
X. Consent Agenda –Motion
A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting – June 17, 2019
B. Approval of the Minutes of the Executive Session of June 17, 2019
C. Approval of the Payment of Current Bills
XI. Items For Discussion And/Or Action
A. Employment Needs of the District
i. Approval of Maternity Leave
ii. Resignation of Gregory SPED Instructor
iii. Approval to hire Gregory Special Education Instructor
iv. Approval to hire Gregory Secretary
v. Approval of Volunteer MS Co-Cross Country Coaches
vi. Resignation of HS Girls Track Coach
vii. Approval of Volunteer HS and MS Track Coach
B. Approval of 5th Grade Camping Trip
C. Approval of Individual IHSA Golf Participation
D. Board of Education Press Policies (Final Reading)
E. Approval to add Wellness Committee Activity Fund
F. Resolution authorizing and directing the sale and/ or disposition of personal property in accordance with 105 ILCS 5/10-2.8
G.Committee Items for Discussion
H. Consideration of Requests for the Use of Facilities
I. Additions to the Agenda
J. Correspondence
K. Announcement/Reminder of Workshops/Meetings
XII. Adjournment