Marshall City Council met July 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 6:30 P.M., with Mayor John W. Trefz presiding. Upon roll call, all council members were present.
Wallace made a motion, seconded by Smitley, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as written. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.
Public Comment: Misty Wieland gave an update on pool income and expenses. Josh Sanders made a request about speeding on Vine St from 9-11th streets. Residents are wanting a sign to help slow traffic down.
New Business: Warren LeFever reported that there may be a Census presentation at the next regular meeting in August.
Wallace made a motion, seconded by LeFever to approve the Collection, Treasurer’s, Investment, Building and Police Reports for June 2019. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.
LeFever made a motion, seconded by Green, to accept the bid from Lawrence Gravel for the 2019 – Oil & Chip Program in the amount of $56,812.40. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.
Smitley made a motion, seconded by Hasten, to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 2019-O-10, an Ordinance Amending Chapter 86. Utilities. Article II. Electrical Service. Section 86-58. Rules & Regulations. (22) a. Customer – Owned Facilities. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.
Green made a motion, seconded by LeFever, to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 2019-O-11, an Ordinance Amending Chapter 86. Utilities. Article II. Electrical Service. Section 85-59. Net Metering Policy. (b) Conditions of Service with the proposed changes by DPW Cory Sheehy. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.
Sanders made a motion, seconded by LeFever to pay the bills in the amount of $683,507.51. Upon roll call, all members voted for. Motion carried.
Smitley made a motion, seconded by Wallace to pay Shore-Murphy Associates in the amount of $50.00. Upon roll call, all council members voted for except Tharp. Tharp abstained due to the nature of her ownership in the business. Motion carried.
LeFever made a motion, seconded by Tharp to adjourn. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 P.M.