Arcola School District #306 Board of Education met July 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
President Strader called the meeting to order. The following members answered roll call: Shonkwiler, Thieman, Wesch, Arrol and Strader. Board members Crane and Stout were not present.
Others present were: Tom Mulligan, Jennifer Frichtl, and David Porter.
President Strader recognized the visitors and asked for public comment. There were none. There were no pending FOIA requests.
Motion by Thieman, seconded by Shonkwiler, to approve the regular meeting minutes from June 12, 2019, the Special meeting minutes from June 17, 2019, the Finance Committee meeting minutes from June 17, 2019, and the Building Committee meeting minutes from June 17, 2019. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Thieman, to approve the Treasurer’s Report as of June 30, 2019 as submitted. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Wesch, to approve the payment of bills as submitted in the amount of $219,626.58. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Thieman, seconded by Shonkwiler, to approve the payment of payroll in the amount of $365,003.48. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Thieman, to approve the bids for fuel from South Central FS, milk from Prairie Farms, and bread from Aunt Millie’s for the 2019-2020 school year. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Wesch, to approve the school board calendar for the 2019-2020 school year outlining dates and tentative topics. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Thieman, seconded by Shonkwiler, to approve the resolution authorizing the abatement of working cash fund – the permanent transfer of $18,543 for PLTW computers. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Wesch, seconded by Thieman, to approve the second reading of School Board Policy 4:30. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Wesch, to approve the agreement for the purchase of the new fence (includes installation) for a price of $18,986 from SK Fence. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Arrol, seconded by Thieman, to approve the agreement to purchase and install the material for the fence pillars at a price of $7,005.48 from Hendrix Group. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Administrative Team Reports
~~Dr. Mulligan, Superintendent – Dr. Mulligan let the Board know that the district auditor would be here next week. He gave an update on the architect agreement, that the attorney’s recommendations had been sent back to the architect. He also mentioned that he followed up with Freddy Moreno regarding the possibility of establishing a school soccer team. Mr. Moreno will be making a presentation to Dr. Mulligan, Lisa Sigrist and Nick Lindsey towards the end of the month.
Motion by Thieman, seconded by Shonkwiler, to approve the resignation of Robin Rauch as 6th Grade Teacher. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Thieman, to approve the employment of Zach Senger as HS Assistant Golf Coach, Chantell Benedict as Volunteer HS Volleyball Assistant Coach, Tonja Mullins as Full-Time Evening Custodian, and Cinthia Lira-Cortez as Preschool Special Education Paraprofessional. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Thieman, seconded by Shonkwiler, to approve the leave request from Charity Poorman-Blagg. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Motion by Shonkwiler, seconded by Wesch, to approve to destroy verbatim records older than 18 months and release redacted closed session minutes. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.
Announcements: None
Motion by Thieman, seconded by Shonkwiler, to adjourn at 7:36 p.m. Roll call vote: Shonkwiler, aye; Thieman, aye; Wesch, aye; Arrol, aye; Strader, aye. 5 ayes. 0 nays. Motion carried.