
East Central Reporter

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Cowden-Herrick Community Unit School District 3A Board met December 13


Cowden-Herrick Community Unit School District 3A Board met December 13. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

The Public Hearing for Tax Levy of the board of Education of Cowden-Herrick C.U.S.D. 3A was called to order at 7:00 p.m., in the Board Room, by President Greg Jones.

Those present at the meeting were: Greg Jones, Megan Miller, Mike Myers, Rita Prosser, Jason Robertson, Zach Sarver and Nathan Vaughn.

There were no public comments.

A motion was made by Zach Sarver and seconded by Jason Robertson to close hearing on 3A Tax Levy at 7:06 p.m.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

Regular meeting of Cowden-Herrick C.U.S.D. 3A was opened by President Greg Jones at 7:07 p.m.

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Jason Robertson to approve minutes from regular board meeting held November 8, 2018, the current board bills, General Office Fund, C-HHS Revolving Fund and the Treasurer’s Report.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

Alec Edwards observed the meeting to fulfill Eagle Badge BSA requirement.

Old business:

IDOT approved in town school bus transportation for students residing east of the 128 Highway; Upchurch Architect Report indicates further investigation is needed for power upgrades to the Herrick Grade School and Cowden High School buildings to accommodate air conditioning; still researching district Health, Life and Safety projects.

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Nathan Vaughn to approve the 2018 Tax Levy.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Jason Robertson to hire Madonna Shellenbarger as janitorial help during Christmas break for 8 days, 64 hours, $960.00.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Jason Robertson to approve increase in substitute pay rates effective January 2019 payroll for days worked in December: teacher sub pay $85.00 per day; teacher aid sub pay $70.00 per day; custodian sub pay $11.00 per hour; cook sub pay $9.00 per hour.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, abstain.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

6 yeas

1 abstention

Motion carried

Superintendent Schuler advised the following:

The accounting and payroll software programs will no longer be supported after July 1, 2020 and the district is exploring other options.

Principals reported:

Team Pounce is looking into getting new mats in the Herrick gym; the Herrick Grade School Christmas concert was a success; the Junior High Math Club has 23 students participating and the Junior High Pep Club has 47 members, which is boosting game attendance.

A motion was made by Nathan Vaughn and seconded by Jason Robertson to enter into closed session at 8:14 p.m. to discuss appointments, employment, compensation, benefits, discipline, performance, negotiations, administrator contracts or dismissal of personnel.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Zach Sarver to exit closed session at 8:32 p.m.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Jason Robertson to accept resignation of Rita Altman, effective at the end of the 1st semester, 2018-19 school year.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Nathan Vaughn to hire Kimberlyn Youhas as PE/Health Teacher contingent upon successfully meeting all requirements and certifications.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Jason Robertson to accept Irrevocable Letter of Retirement from Gary Davis, effective June 30, 2019.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Zach Sarver to approve maternity leave request for Shantel Parks, effective Spring semester, 2018-19 school year.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Jason Robertson to approve personal time off request for Lisa Steffen.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Zach Sarver to approve Bob Davis as 7th/8th Grade Volunteer Basketball Coach pending meeting all requirements.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried

                         Reconciliation Statement Balance as of December 1, 2018

                                          Balance of all funds $2,995,932.28

                                                       Imprest Fund $353.70

A motion was made by Mike Myers and seconded by Jason Robertson to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m.

Greg Jones, yea.

Megan Miller, yea.

Mike Myers, yea.

Rita Prosser, yea.

Jason Robertson, yea.

Zach Sarver, yea.

Nathan Vaughn, yea.

7 yeas

Motion carried
