
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Casey Westfield Community Unit School District 4C Board met October 15.


Casey Westfield Community Unit School District 4C Board met Oct. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. The Casey-Westfield Board of Education met in regular session at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, October 15, 2018 at the Unit Office, 502 E Delaware, Casey, IL. Upon roll call, members present were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. Administrators present were Linda Campbell, Kacie Rhoads, Chris Seaton, Jim Sullivan and Dee Scott.

II. President Tutewiler recognized visitors Betsy Collins, Heather Beard, Nicole Vineyard, Jennifer Harris, Nancy Smitley and Gary Strohm.

III. Seating of newly appointed board member. President Andy Tutewiler administered the oath of office to newly appointed board member Wendy Navel.

IV. 2017-2018 Audit Presentation by Kemper CPA Group, Robinson, IL. Heather Beard presented the audit. She noted that the district’s Financial Profile Score was now 3.70, which is Recognition status.

V. Discussion and action on request to add territory to the Clark County Enterprise Zone; J & D Hog Farm, LLC, 13239 N 2050 th St, Marshall, IL. Nancy Smitley reviewed the proposed addition.

Motion to approve by Gelb and seconded by Hickox. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

VI. Act upon approval of consent agenda items:

A. Minutes of the regular meeting of September 17, 2018.

B. Minutes of the closed session meetings of April 24, 2017; and destruction of the verbatim record of those meetings as authorized by Board Policy 220 and 220-E1.

C. Financial and budgetary reports and current invoices for payment.

D. 2017-2018 Audit Report

E. Reciprocal Reporting Agreement between Casey-Westfield School District, Casey City Police Department, Clark County Sheriff’s Department and Clark County State’s Attorney

F. Revised School Resource Officer Agreement with the City of Casey.

Motion by Hutton and seconded by Overbeck. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

VII. Board and Administrator Reports

A. Board

B. Monroe Elementary—Linda Campbell

C. Jr/Sr High School—Jim Sullivan

D. District—Dee Scott

1. FOIA Request—Miles Essner of HBO Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, on 9-21-18 via email, requested information regarding the number of boys playing sports other than football and the number of those receiving free or reduced lunch. The available information was provided via email on 9-24-18.

VIII. Addendum

IX. Act upon approval to adjourn to closed session under c1 (employment) and c21 (discussion closed meeting minutes) of section 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq. of the Illinois Open Meeting Act at 7:23 p.m.

Motion by Overbeck and seconded by Hutton. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

X. Act upon approval to reconvene to regular session at7:27 p.m.

Motion by Gelb and seconded by Hickox. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

XI. Act upon approval of consent agenda items:

A. Closed session minutes of September 17, 2018.

B. Support staff recommendations.

1. Employ Angela Dryden as Title I Tutor for the 2018-2019 school year.

2. Employ Audrey Glidewell as Title I Tutor for the 2018-2019 school year.

C. Certified staff recommendations. None.

D. Co-curricular recommendations. None.

E. Administrative staff recommendations. None.

Motion by Hickox and seconded by Gelb. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.

XII. Addendum

XIII. Act upon approval to adjourn at 7:29 p.m.

Motion by Gelb and seconded by Navel. Upon roll call, members voting yea were Gelb, Hickox, Huisinga, Hutton, Navel, Overbeck and Tutewiler. The President declared the motion carried.
