
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Miller says state businesses are held 'hostage' by legislators


Chris Miller

Chris Miller

Republican state House candidate Chris Miller believes Illinois lawmakers’ often tense and tepid relationship with the state’s business community is rooted in a misconception about its purpose.

“It seems like government looks at business solely as a function or institution to be taxed,” Miller told the East Central Reporter. “Springfield thinks these businesses are operating just for that reason and now you’re seeing the pushback coming from the business community.”

The resulting tug-of-war is on full display in a new Thumbtack Small Business Friendly Survey that finds Illinois now rates as the “least accommodating state” in the country for small business owners. The survey of local entrepreneurs and small business owners also gives the state a failing grade for its level of friendliness and regulations, Illinois Policy Institute states.

Shirley Bell

“I can’t say that I’m shocked,” said Miller, running against Democrat Shirley Bell in the 110th District. “How can anyone be when you look at our high real estate costs, workman’s compensation issues and corporate tax rates? On top of all that, now you have (Democratic gubernatorial candidate J.B.) Pritzker still talking about more taxes.”

The mismanagement and dysfunction lead right back to Chicago and longtime House Speaker Mike Madigan, Miller said.

“It’s obvious when you make it easy for people to be in business you send the message you’re glad to have business here,” he said. “But Madigan and his machine are holding businesses hostage with their pay-to-play way of doing things. The common theme when I talk to small business owners is that the state, based on their actions, still doesn’t want them in business.”

Contrast that to the way several neighboring states now appear to be flourishing and Illinois’ ongoing issues with outmigration aren’t really a surprise, Miller said.

“And my opponent hasn’t really tried to do anything about any of this,” he said. “Her proudest moment is that she’s seen as a tax-and-spend Democrat.”

The 110th House District includes Clark, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Edgar and Lawrence counties.