Greenup Township Public Library Board met June 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
I. The Greenup Township Library Board met in regular session at 4:00 pm with the meeting called to order by President Beverly Kuhn. Other members present were: Becky White, Connie Brown, Rosie Chancellor, Sid Stone, and Secretary Bob Blade. Treasurer Dan Carr was absent. Library Director Deb Sherrick was also present.
II. There was no public comment.
III. Approval of the April minutes was moved by Chancellor, seconded by White, and passed.
IV. Approval of the April treasurer’s report was moved by Blade, seconded by Stone, and passed.
V. The Director’s report showed a circulation of 717 items, and 82 patrons using the computers. There was additional income of $91 from copies, faxes, and fines; $80 in non-resident cards; $500 in donations for the Summer Reading Program. There was $18.77 in supply expenses. A change must be made in the Summer Reading Program due to the death of one of the presenters. It was suggested that Don Barnes might give a presentation on the hammered dulcimer. Frontier needed a copy of the tax exempt form; the printer scanner has proven to be a good investment. The library was represented in the Toledo Spring Festival by the Autism Awareness float.
VI. Old Business
A. The Library received $1000 from a Dollar General grant. 50% may be spent for programming and 50% for prizes and supplies.
B. The library received coupons from Monical’s Pizza for SRP prizes.
VII. New Business
A. The adoption of the non-resident card fee of $40 (based on a formula provided by the state) was moved by Chancellor, seconded by Brown, and passed.
B. The Illinois Public Library Annual Report is finished. The library has acquired 1,739 more items than last year; circulation is down 22 items. 36,024 ebooks are available; 5,991 audio items are available. Approval of the IPLAR was moved by Kuhn, seconded by Brown, and passed.
C. There is a need to hire a substitute librarian on an ad hoc basis. Approval to hire Vicki Pierce for $9 per hour as needed was moved by Chancellor, seconded by Kuhn, and passed.
D. A motion to acquire a credit card from the First Neighbor Bank of Greenup with a credit limit of $750 to be used by the Library Director, currently Deb Sherrick; Assistant Librarian, currently Heidi Taylor, and/or Library Board President, currently Beverly Kuhn, was moved by Blade, seconded by Brown, and passed.
VIII. With no other business before the board, adjournment was moved by Kuhn, seconded by Chancellor, and passed.
The next meeting of the board is June 25 at 4:00 pm.