City of Newton Finance Committee met June 14.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Present: Larry Brooks, Rosetta M. York, Mark Bolander, Ken Larimore, Robert Reisner,
Melissa Brooks, Marlene Harris, David Brown & Steve Rubsam
• Melissa explained TIF balance and TIF obligations to the committee.
• Reviewed three TIF applications. Committee recommended $2500 TIF for Jasper
County Realty Brokers Inc. for tuckpointing, $2500 TIF for Integrated Therapy
Services for building improvements and $25000 TIF for Jasper County Unit One
for necessary materials to advance vocational education classes due to
increased demand for classes.
• Melissa explained gaming tax revenue sharing with local governments. The pull
tab & jar games tax distributed to municipalities is for law enforcement purposes.
Discussed line items where monies could be applied. Melissa will consult with
chief of police for information on how monies would be spent. Committee
recommended applying proceeds toward police vehicles.
• Discussed possible 911 related grants.
• Mayor asked for ideas and incentives to encourage home & multi-family dwelling
construction in the city. Incentives were discussed and will be brought up for
review at a later date.
• Recommended the city proceed with electrical improvements to the truck parking
lot on the west edge of Newton located behind Cobblestone Hotel and Suites.
Discussed fees for parking trucks to cover the cost of electrical connections.
Adjourned 6:31 PM