
East Central Reporter

Monday, February 24, 2025

Mattoon Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met May 8.

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Mattoon Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met May 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The meeting was called to order by Board President Michelle Skinlo and roll call taken.

Roll Call: Present: Colleen Garner, Gary Kepley, Ashli Overton, Susan Smith, Bill Standerfer, Erika Weaver, Michelle Skinlo

Absent: Gary Kepley and Susan Smith

Appointment Of Secretary Pro Tem: Because of Board Secretary Susan Smith’s absence, a motion was made by Weaver and seconded by Garner to appoint board member Ashli Overton as Secretary Pro Tem.

Roll call vote as follows: Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.

Reception Of Visitors: Agenda: None

Non-Agenda: None

Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda, consisting of the following items, was presented to the Board for approval:

- Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board and approval of the Executive Session minutes of the Board both of which were held on April 10, 2018 as found in Exhibit 3.1a and 3.1b.

- Financial – Payment of 2018 April bills, 2018 monthly financial reports by fund, and the 2018 Budget to Actual Report as found in Exhibits 3.2a, 3.2b, and 3.2c.

- Approval of the April 2018 Enrollment Report as presented - 3,318

- Appointment of Kent Metzger as Annual District Asbestos Inspector

- Appointment of Tim Condron as District IMRF Authorized Agent

- Approval of Freedom of Information Report. Three Freedom of Information requests were received.

• The first was from Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law requesting our number of school resource officers and the agreements with the City of Mattoon for the officers’ services. The request was granted.

• The second was a person from the community asking for facility-use agreements with the Mattoon Hit-Men organization. That request was granted.

• The third was from IllinoisLeaks seeking information about bid publications and board presentations regarding the sale of the Brown Shoe property. That request was granted.

Garner moved, seconded by Overton, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.

Present Tentative Amended Fy18 Budget: (Information Item)

Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent of business, presented the tentative amended 2017-2018 Budget. Sherman currently estimates the revenue at $36,982,501 and the expense at $36,982,501.

See Exhibit 4.1a

Board Action To Establish Annual End- Of-Year Meeting On June 29, 2018 At Noon For Payment Of Bills And Final Approval Of Amended FY18 Budget: Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent of business, requested the board schedule the annual end-of-the-year board meeting for the payment of bills and the final approval of amended FY18 budget at noon June 29, 2018.

Motion by Overton, seconded by Weaver to establish the annual end-of-year meeting at noon, June 29, 2018, for payment of bills and final approval of amended FY18 budget.

Roll call vote as follows: Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.

Board Action To Set Meal Prices For The 2018-2019 And 2019-20 School Years: Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent for business, said because of USDA regulations that establish price guidelines for school lunches and breakfasts, Mattoon CUSD2 must increase the prices to meet those guidelines. Sherman said the price increases were at the minimum levels so the cost wouldn’t be a burden for families.

Motion by Overton, seconded by Garner to recommend the increase in meal prices as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Skinlo, aye.

Nays, none. Motion carried.

See Exhibit 4.3a-4.4a

Board Action To Set Activity Fees, Registration Fees, And Other Fees For The 2018-2019 And 2019-2020 School Years: Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent for business, recommended no increases in the instructional fees (also known as CIM or registration fees), driver’s education fees, and extracurricular fees.

Motion by Weaver, seconded by Overton for no increases in fees as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Skinlo, aye.

Nays none. Motion carried.

See Exhibit 4.3a-4.4a

Board Action To Solicit Bids For Maintenance Vehicle : Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent for business, asked for the board’s permission to solicit bids to purchase a new truck for maintenance. The truck will be equipped with tool boxes and snow removal equipment. Troy Haacke, building trades teacher, will use the current truck for the building trades program.

Garner moved, seconded by Weaver, to accept the bid as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Skinlo, aye.

Nays none. Motion carried.

Board Action To Approve The Personnel Report – M.C.U.S.D. #2: Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Dr. David Skocy presented the following C.U.S.D. #2 personnel report to the Board for approval:

Certified Resignations - C.U.S.D. #2:

- Aaron Adams, resigning as Mattoon High School social science and 9th grade team teacher (effective at the end of the 2017- 2018 school year)

- Samantha Albrecht, resigning as Mattoon High School mathematics teacher (effective at the end of the 2017-18 school year)

- Sadie Bear, resigning as Williams Elementary School and Riddle Elementary School special education teacher (effective at the end of 2017-18 school year)

- Fayanne Emel, resigning as Mattoon Middle School mathematics teacher (effective at the end of 2017-18 school year)

- Aaron Hale, resigning as Mattoon High School guidance counselor (effective at the end of 2017-18 school year)

- Rachel McClain, resigning as Riddle Elementary School preschool blended classroom teacher (effective at the end of 2017-18 school year)

Certified Resignations – C.U.S.D. #2 (cont):

- Nathan “Eddie” Williams, resigning as Mattoon Middle School 6 th grade ELA teacher, 8th grade girls B team basketball coach and 7th grade girls track coach (effective at the end of 2017-18 school year)

Certified Appointments – C.U.S.D. #2:

- Kimberly Christensen, 6th grade mathematics teacher, Mattoon Middle School (effective for the 2018-19 school year)

- Megan Cress, mathematics teacher, Mattoon High School (effective 2018-2019 school year)

- Katrina Farris, grant-funded Early Childhood Director (through June 30, 2018)

- Charity Huwe, 6th grade ELA teacher, Mattoon Middle School, (effective 2018-2019 school year)

- Kendra Jones, 6th grade ELA teacher, Mattoon Middle School, (effective 2018-2019 school year)

- Michelle Laue, 7th grade ELA teacher, Mattoon Middle School, (effective 2018-2019 school year)

- Stephanie Dodge, substitute teacher, (effective 2018-2019 school year)

Classified Resignations - C.U.S.D. #2:

- Josh Recker, resigning as Williams Elementary School supervisor (effective April 16, 2018)

Classified Appointments - C.U.S.D. #2:

- Lilly Ames, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Luke Collings, substitute custodian (effective immediately)

- Madonna Mayer, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Kaitlyn Pierce, substitute custodian (effective immediately)

- Josh Recker, substitute supervisor (effective immediately)

- Levi Reynolds, substitute custodian and volunteer (effective immediately)

- Michelle Whitely, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Joshua Blood, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Conor Branson, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Trevor Cornwell, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Katherine Croft, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Gabriel Eickberg, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Laurie Kershaw, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Breanna Moore, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Jessica Nichols, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Samantha Shaw, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Brody Shook, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Ashley Smith, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Abbie Steele, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

- Bryce Uphoff, graphic arts student worker (effective May 15, 2018)

Extracurricular Resignations – C.U.S.D. #2:

- Marti Shirley, resigning as Mattoon High School assistant scholastic bowl coach, (effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year)

- Claire Unkraut, resigning as Mattoon Middle School assistant cheer coach (effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year).

Extracurricular Apppointments – C.U.S.D. #2:

- Sarah Johnson, assistant cheer coach, Mattoon Middle School (effective for the 2018-2019 school year)

- Dipen Patel, varsity girls volleyball coach, Mattoon High School (effective for the 2018-2019 school year)

- James Sharp, computer coordinator, Mattoon Middle School (effective for the 2018-2019 school year)

- Laura Shaw, RTI Coordinator, Williams Elementary School (effective for the 2018-2019 school year)

- Holly Thompson, AV coordinator, intramural coordinator, Mattoon Middle School (effective for the 2018-2019 school year)

Overton moved, seconded by Garner to approve the Personnel Report for C.U.S.D. #2 as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, abstained; Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Skinlo, aye. One abstention, Nays, none. Motion carried.

Board Action To Approve A 3-Year Collective Bargaining Agreement With Mattoon Education Association (MEA): Superintendent Larry Lilly announced that a tentative agreement was reached with Mattoon Education Association (the teachers’ union) for a three-year collective bargaining agreement through Interest Based Bargaining. The overall increased cost of the contract (including teachers’ salaries, insurance, overloads, extracurricular and retirement) is 1.88 percent annually over three years. The average teacher salary increase is 2.95 percent annually over three years.

Motion by Weaver, seconded by Overton to accept the 3-year collective bargaining agreement with the MEA.

Roll call vote as follows: Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Skinlo, aye.

Nays, none. Motion carried.

Presentation Of Administrator Assignments For The 2018-2019 School Year: (Information Item)

Superintendent Larry Lilly presented the building administrator assignments. Several of the assignments were set to begin 2019- 2020, however, Lilly said the opportunity for mentoring opportunities from long serving administrators would be more advantageous for these employees and the district if those positions were slated to begin in 2018-2019. The employees who will be accelerated include Kris Maleske, Franklin Preschool principal and community services director, Christy Hild, student services director and curriculum, McLain Schaefer, principal, Williams Elementary School, and Chad Arnold, principal, Riddle.

Board Action To Re-Employadministrators For The 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 School Years: (Information Item)

Superintendent Larry Lilly recommended the board approve re- employment of the administrative staff through the next two years. The increased cost of the new contract is 2.2 percent annually over two-years. Contract language is unchanged. Additionally, Jayme Holt was named Williams Elementary School assistant principal.

Motion by Weaver, seconded by Overton to re-employ administrators for 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.

Roll call vote as follows: Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Skinlo, aye.

Nays, none. Motion carried.

Board Action To Approve A 3-Year Non-Contractual Rate Schedule: Superintendent Larry Lilly recommended the board approve a non- contractual pay schedule that aligns with the three-years of the MEA contract. The schedule outlines non-contractual pay for various substitute positions, supervisors, scorers, timers, and tickets.

Motion by Garner, seconded by Overton to approve a 3-year non- contractual rate schedule.

Roll call vote as follows: Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.

See Exhibit 6.4a

Social Science Textook Adoption Grades 6-12: (Information item)

Curriculum Director Tim Condron presented the proposed titles for the 6-12 social science textbook adoption. A committee consisting of middle school teachers Michelle Crary, Jason Richardson, Debbie Seaman, Tiffany Williams, Natasha Young and Mark Koon reviewed social science titles and presented these proposed titles for adoption for grades sixth-eight. A committee consisting of high school teachers Vinnie Walk, Jeremy Gibson, Carrie Veach, Aaron Adams, Jarod Kiger, Natalie Ambuehl, Nancy Purdy, Sherry Wei, Meri Stewart, Laurie Dotson and Mina Fairchild reviewed social science titles and presented these proposed titles for adoption for grades ninth-twelfth. The titles Condron presented will be placed on review following the May meeting until the June 12, 2018 board meeting. The board will be requested to adopt the titles at the June 12, 2018 school board meeting.

See Exhibit 7.1a

Executive Session: Weaver moved, seconded by Overton to go in Executive Session at 7:38 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to the sale and purchase of property.

A voice vote of “ayes” carried the motion. Nays, none.

Board President Michelle Skinlo declared the motion carried and the Board of Education to be in closed session.

Others present for the Executive Session were: Superintendent Larry Lilly, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Dr. David Skocy, Assistant Superintendent for Business Tom Sherman and Curriculum Director Tim Condron and Kent Metzger, facilities engineer.

Open Session: Board President Skinlo declared Executive Session closed and open session reconvened at 8:03 p.m.

Adjournment: Garner moved, seconded by Weaver, to adjourn the meeting at 8:03 p.m.

Roll call vote as follows: Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.



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