
East Central Reporter

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Villa Grove Community Unit School District 302 Board met May 21.

Webp hall

Villa Grove Community Unit School District 302 Board met May 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

A regular meeting of the Board of Education of the Villa Grove Community School District #302 of Douglas and Champaign Counties, Illinois was called and held Monday May 21, 2018 at the Villa Grove Community Unit School District Building within the boundaries of said district. Upon roll being called the following members were found to be present: Kerry Cheely, Jim Clark, Jill Stevens, Carol Ezell, Jim Kestner and Bill Fulk.

Time: 6:00 pm

Charlie Mitsdarfer arrived at 6:05 pm

Administrators present: Mr. Tracy, Mr. Beck, Mr. Killion, Mrs. Jones

VGEA Representatives present: Autumn Jones

Visitors present: Shirley Badman, Randy Lake, Jeri Cardiff, Noreen Acton, Brian Thomas, Gabby Argius, Cassandra Eversol-Gunter, Candi Thomas, Alyson Havener,

Visitor comments: None

Clark moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve the consent agenda for authorization for payment of bills. All members present voted in favor.

Clark moved and Fulk seconded a motion to approve the asbestos abatement contract with Kam Services Inc for $17,627 pending ISBE approval of Health Life Safety Amendment Application. All members present voted in favor.

Charlie Mitsdarfer arrived at 6:05 pm

Ezell moved and Cheely seconded a motion to approve the kitchen floor contract with K.Wohltman Construction Inc for $34,950 pending ISBE approval of Health Life Safety Amendment application. All members present voted in favor.

Clark moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve the insurance package for general, liability, casualty and workman’s compensation coverage through Selective Insurance and USI Fire Insurance Services. All members present voted in favor.

Kestner moved and Ezell seconded a motion to approve the dates and times for the Board of Education meetings for 2018-2019. All members present voted in favor.

Clark moved and Fulk seconded a motion to approve the bid for security camera update and installation of Hikvision cameras from Barbeck Communications for $38,606.97. All members present voted in favor.

Fulk moved and Cheely seconded a motion to approve a 3-year contract with AEP Energy for electricity at $0.04411/KWH. All members present voted in favor.

Superintendent’s Report:

Consensus was given to participate in the CEO program for 2018-2019 at a cost of $2500.

Summer projects – Kitchen floor replacement, room movements, painting, hallway project, library wall/door.

Affordable Care Act received an Abatement of Penalty

A Resolution will be submitted to place the BOE At Large Election on the ballot in November.

City clean-up days will be held on June 22, 23. Dumpsters will be placed at the school due to the construction on the new water plant on Main Street.

The BOE planning meeting is scheduled for July 28, 2018 from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Principal’s report:

PBIS Elementary Students of the Month:

K – Ainsley Arthur

1st – Aubrey Jones

2nd – Landyn Gaston

3rd – Trevir Trotter

4th – Isaiah Kiesel

5th – Brylee Butler/Violet Erl Soper

Incoming Kindergartners toured the building

Blue Devil Classic was held on May 11th

Brady Clodfelder ran the 800 meters in 2:43 minutes

Special Olympics were held, athletes did a great job. Thanks to Ms. Freehill ad Mrs. Burwell.

Reading celebration Ice Cream party will be held on May 22.

High School Physics class designed and built a Rube Goldberg Machine to complete the task of pouring a bowl of cereal.

The 38th High School Honors banquet was held. $62,686 in scholarships were given out. Total of $936,980 has been given by the community. Thank you to Caleb Sims and Barb Alexander.

High School Prom was a great event. Thank you to Blake Swan and Barb Alexander

8th Grade promotion – May 24th

High School Graduation – May 25th

Both events begin at 7:00 pm

Alumni Banquet – May 26th 6:00 pm

Clark moved Kestner seconded a motion to move to closed session. All members present voted in favor.

6:46 pm

Clark moved and Cheely seconded a motion to re-convene to open session. All members present voted in favor.

9:03 pm

Ezell moved and kestner seconded a motion to accept the resignations from Katrina Freehill, District Social Worker, Linda Werts, HS Student Council. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Fulk seconded a motion to approve the employment of Heath Wilson, FT Substitute, Head Coach Football, Head Coach HS Track, Asst Coach JH Boys Basketball, pending the successful completion of all required federal and Illinois background checks. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Cheely seconded a motion to approve the employment of Alyson Havener, Elementary Mid-Level Special Education, pending the successful completing of all required federal and Illinois background checks. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve the employment of Candi Thomas, 6th Grade, pending the successful completion of all required federal and Illinois background checks. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Clark seconded a motion to approve the employment of Tessa Prosser HS History, pending the successful completion of all required federal and Illinois background checks. All members preset voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve the employment of Assistant Football Coaching Staff: Blake Wilhelm, Chad Slack, Dan Hennessey and Lucas Wilson, pending the successful completion of all required federal and Illinois background checks. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve the employment of Brittany Myerscough, Asst. Coach JH Scholastic Bowl. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Fulk seconded a motion to approve Matt Pangburn, Volunteer Assistant JH Softball Coach, pending the successful completion of all federal and Illinois background checks. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Cheely seconded a motion to approve the employment of Elizabeth Nieto, Head Coach HS Girls Track. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Clark seconded a motion to approve the VGEA Collective Bargaining Agreement, 2018-2019 through 2020-2021. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Kestner seconded a motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding, School Nurse. All members present voted in favor.

Ezell moved and Kestner seconded a motion to adjourn. All members present voted Aye.

Meeting adjourned: 9:08 pm
