Edgar County Board of Trustees met June 13.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
1.Call Meeting To Order
2.Pledge of Allegiance
3.Roll Call
4.Minutes from May 9, 2018 Regular Meeting and May 21, 2018 Special Meeting
5.Claims Against The County
6.County Board Members’ Claims
7.Public Comment
8.Presentation of FY17 Audit by Joe Daughhetee.
1.Resolution for Improvement BLR 09110 Appropriating Motor Fuel Tax for the following: Various Routes, Section 18-00138-00-EG
2.Resolution authorizing County Board Chairman to sign BLR 05511 Local Agency/Consultant Agreement with Hillard Bookkeeping Service to appropriate Motor Fuel Tax funds for various construction guidance and documentation assistance: Various Routes, Section 18-00138-00-EG.
3.Resolution for Improvement BLR 09110 Appropriating Motor Fuel Tax for the following: FAS 679 / CH 8 (Horace-Brocton Road), Section 18-00139-00-BR
4.Resolution authorizing the County Board Chairman to sign a BLR 05510 Local Agency/Consultant Agreement with Knight & Associates for phase 0 preliminary engineering: FAS 679 / CH 8 (Horace-Brocton Road), Section 18-00139-00-BR
10.Resolution authorizing County Board Chairman to sign an agreement with Prospect Bank regarding conveyance of properties on North Central Ave adjacent to Edgar County Sherriff’s Department.
11.Resolution to adopt Prevailing Wages for 2018.
12.Resolution Approving Bond of John McGinness, Commissioner of Brocton Drainage District of the County of Edgar, and State of IL.
13.Resolution Authorizing the Chairman to Sign Addendum to the Professional Service Agreement with Joseph E. Meyer & Associates Inc. to Increase the Minimum Sale Bid to $750.00.
14.Resolution from Joseph E. Meyer Authorizing Chairman to Execute a Deed of Conveyance for Parcel #05-06-35-226-009 to Brian E. Dolliole.
15.Recommendation by Joseph E. Meyer & Associates Inc. to Authorize Treasurer and County Clerk to Assign Tax Sale Certificate #160086 to Joyce Miller for Parcel #09-18-12-111-008.
16.Appoint Caroline Heath, Roger Stanley, and Ray Young to the Edgar County Board of Review with terms ending May 31, 2019.
17.Appoint Rob Hackett to the Airport Advisory Board with term expiring 9/1/19.
18.File Sheriff’s Semi-Annual Report
19.File County Clerk’s Semi-Annual Report
20.Officer/Department Head Reports
21.Committee Reports
22.Closed Session to Review Closed Session Minutes; Negotiations
23.Action on Closed Session Minutes