
East Central Reporter

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Mattoon Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met March 13.


Mattoon Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met March 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The meeting was called to order by Board President Michelle Skinlo.

Roll Call: Present: Colleen Garner, Ashli Overton, Bill Standerfer, Erika Weaver, Michelle Skinlo

Absent: Susan Smith, Gary Kepley

Reception Of Visitors: Board President Michelle Skinlo welcomed all visitors present and opened the floor to those wishing to address the board about agenda and non-agenda items.

Agenda: President Skinlo asked for a moment of science for Mattoon High School John Nisbet III who passed away in a vehicle accident. She also asked the audience to remember our students, staff and administrators who have gone through so much this year.

Non-Agenda: None

Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda, consisting of the following items, was presented to the Board for approval:

- Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board and of the minutes of the executive session meeting of the Board - both held on February 13, 2018, as presented

- Approval for payment of bills for February 2018 as presented

- Approval of the February 2018 Enrollment Report as presented – 3,323

- Approval of the 2018 Summer School schedules for Grades K-12 as presented

See Exhibit 3.4a; Exhibit 3.4b; Exhibit 3.4c

- Approval for membership in the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) and the Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA)

Exhibit 3.1a

-Approval of Mattoon Cross-Country Team Trip to Estes Park, CO, July 23-31, 2019

- Freedom of Information Report - No requests received in the Superintendent’s office since the last meeting. Overton moved, seconded by Garner, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.

Board Update On Camera Installation Project At Mhskent Metzger-District Engineer: (Information Item)

Kent Metzger, facilities engineer, recognized Todd Ratliff and his wife Rebecca, co-owners of Total Home and Farm Video Solutions and their employee Matt Huckstadt, project manager, who were in attendance at the meeting. Todd Ratliff was able to coordinate a donation of 60 security cameras from Panasonic and technical support equipment from Razberi which is being installed at Mattoon High School. There are additional cameras to be installed on power poles owned by Ameren. The district purchased 10 additional cameras to fill in the gaps. Ratliff wanted to donate the labor to install the cameras but the board decided there may be a conflict because of prevailing wage. The board decided to pay Ratliff for his services at a total of $24,671. That total was defrayed by $16,000 funded by the sale of Mattoon Strong T-Shirts. A community group of citizens, who wanted to do something following the Sept. 20 shooting incident at the high school, formed and sold T-shirts. They donated the money to the district which was placed in a security fund. Metzger showed still frames of the video feed and praised the clarity of the new video cameras as well as the cameras ability to zoom in showing minute details which will be helpful to administrators and law enforcement in future investigations. Following Metzger’s presentation, Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent for business, also praised the crew from Panasonic, Razberi and Total Home. Kudos to them, Sherman said. Board President Skinlo thanked Todd Ratliff, Panasonic and Razberi for all they had done for the district.

See Exhibit 4.1a-4.4a

Board Action To Solicit Bids For The Sale Of The Former Brown Shoe Factory Property Located At 1400 Piatt Avenue, Mattoon, IL 61938: Tom Sherman, assistant superintendent for business, asked the board for approval to solicit bids for the sale of the former Brown Shoe Factory. The building’s lot is currently being used for parking for the bus fleet and district vehicles. There is a metal building addition used for bus maintenance. The one story area is used for maintenance and transportation supplies. There is also a fueling station used by the school district and city. Sherman noted the major concerns facing the building include:

o Major roof failures

o Masonry cracks

o Structural issues

o Mechanical/electrical systems nonfunctional

o Increasing liability concerns

o Inability to insure

o Costs associated with demolition.

The option of demolishing the current structure and constructing a new building in the same location have been discussed through the years but the demolition, construction, site grading and restoration, fencing and power distribution is estimated at $1.3 million. That estimate is from 2007.

The district is researching other locations that could house the bus fleet, provide storage for maintenance, transportation and food service and be capable of offering a fueling station.

The bid opening will be at 3 p.m. April 3, 2018. The winning bid is scheduled to be awarded at the April 10, 2018 school board meeting.

Weaver moved, seconded by Overton, to solicit bids for the sale of the former Brown Shoe Factory Property located at 1400 Piatt Avenue, Mattoon, Illinois.

Roll call vote as follows: Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Skinlo, aye. Motion carried.

See Exhibit 4.1a-4.4a

Board Action To Award Bid For Ceiling Finishes At Franklin School: Assistant Superintendent for Business Tom Sherman requested board action to award a bid of $41,831 to Bob Ramsey for ceiling finishes at Franklin School. Garner moved, seconded by Overton to award a bid of $41,831 to Ramsey for ceiling finishes at Franklin School.

Roll call vote as follows: Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Skinlo, aye. Motion carried.

See Exhibit 4.1a-4.4a

Board Action To Award Bid For Lighting And Electrical Upgrades At Franklin School: Assistant Superintendent for Business Tom Sherman requested board action to award a bid of $29,978 to Anderson Electric for lighting and electrical upgrades at Franklin School.

Weaver moved, seconded by Overton to award a bid of $29,978 to Anderson Electric for lighting and electrical upgrades at Franklin School.

Roll call vote as follows: Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Skinlo, aye; Motion carried.

See Exhibit 4.1a-4.4a

Board Action To Approve The Personnel Report –

M.C.U.S.D. #2: Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Dr. David Skocy presented the following C.U.S.D. #2 personnel report to the Board for approval:

Certified Resignations - C.U.S.D. #2

- Kelsey Cox, resigning as Williams Elementary School art teacher (effective at the end of the 2017-18 school year)

- Rebecca Fogarty, resigning as District Psychologist (effective for the 2017-18 school year)

- Jeremie Smith, resigning as Mattoon Middle School Principal (effective June 30, 2018)

Certified Leave of Absence – C.U.S.D. #2

- Monica Genta, requesting a one-year unpaid leave of absence (effective for the 2018-19 school year) Certified Appointments – C.U.S.D. #2

- Emma Baker, pre-kindergarten teacher at Franklin Preschool (effective for the 2018-19 school year)

- Elaine Brandenburg, substitute teacher (effective February 28, 2018)

- Alexandria De La Rosa, intern social worker (effective for the 2018-2019 school year)

- Nina Grant, substitute teacher, (effective immediately)

- Charles Pullen, substitute teacher (effective immediately)

Classified Resignations - C.U.S.D. #2

- Lori Sparrow, resigning as a supervisor at Williams Elementary School (effective March 16, 2018)

Classified Appointments - C.U.S.D. #2

- Melinda Beals, secretary at Franklin Preschool (effective July 1, 2018)

- Debra Benslay, bus driver (effective immediately)

- Emily Gurley, supervisor (effective immediately)

- Shirley Campbell, substitute bus driver (effective immediately)

- Cathy Croy, substitute paraprofessional (effective immediately)

- Chris Eaton, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Melissa Ferguson, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Mayla Johanpeter, volunteer (effective immediately)

- Nicole Thomas, volunteer (effective immediately)

Extracurricular Resignations – C.U.S.D. #2

- Angela McQueen, resigning as Mattoon High School girls assistant golf coach (effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year)

Extracurricular Appointments– C.U.S.D. #2

- Amanda Titus, computer coordinator at Franklin Preschool (effective for the 2018-2019 school year)

Jeremie Smith, principal, Mattoon Middle School, who will become principal of a middle school in Greenville, South Carolina in July 2018, was recognized for his years of contributions to the district. Smith thanked the school board for the opportunity to work with the kids and thanked Superintendent Lilly and board member Susan Smith, (both Mattoon Middle School administrators at the time Smith was hired), for believing in him and recommending his employment to the board as a language arts teacher. Smith eventually was promoted to principal. He received a standing ovation during the board meeting.

Overton moved, seconded by Garner to approve the Personnel Report for C.U.S.D. #2 as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Skinlo, aye. Motion carried.

Board Action To Approve Mclain Schaefer As Williams Elementary School Assistant Principal For A Two-Year Contract Commencing The 2018-2019 School Year: Superintendent Larry Lilly requested board approval to hire McLain Schaefer as assistant principal of Williams Elementary School and award him a two-year contract commencing in the 2018-2019 school year.

Overton moved, seconded by Garner to hire McLain Schaefer as assistant principal of Williams Elementary School as presented.

Roll call vote as follows: Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Skinlo, aye. Motion carried.

Board Action To Approve Nathan Pugh As Mattoon Middle School Principal For A Three-Year Contract Commencing The 2018-2019 School Year: Superintendent Larry Lilly requested board approval to hire Nathan Pugh as principal of Mattoon Middle School and award him a three-year contract commencing in the 2018- 2019 school year.

Overton moved, seconded by Garner to approve Nathan Pugh as principal of Mattoon Middle School as presented. Roll call vote as follows: Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Skinlo, aye. Motion carried.

Recognition Of Riddle Principal Dr. Christy Hild For Completion Of Doctoral Degree In Educational Administration From Illinois State University: (Information item)

Superintendent Larry Lilly recognized Riddle Elementary School Principal Christy Hild who recently earned her Doctoral Degree in Educational Administration from Illinois State University. The audience and board gave her a standing ovation for her achievements.

Executive Session: Weaver moved, seconded by Overton to go in Executive Session at 7:37 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to collective bargaining with the Mattoon Education Association and to discuss matters pertaining to individual student(s).

Roll call vote as follows: Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Kepley, absent; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.

Board President Michelle Skinlo declared the motion carried and the Board of Education to be in closed session.

Others present for the Executive Session were: Superintendent Larry Lilly, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Dr. David Skocy, Assistant Superintendent for Business Tom Sherman and Curriculum Director Tim Condron.

Open Session

Reconvened: Board President Michelle Skinlo declared Executive Session closed and Open Session reconvened at 8:21 p.m.

Adjournment: Overton moved, seconded by Weaver, to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 p.m.

Roll call vote as follows: Kepley, absent; Overton, aye; Smith, absent; Standerfer, aye; Weaver, aye; Garner, aye; Skinlo, aye. Nays, none. Motion carried.
