
East Central Reporter

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Marshall City Council met May 14.


Marshall City Council met May 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

The regular meeting of the City Council was called to order at 6:30 p.m., with Mayor John Trefz presiding. Upon roll call, all council members were present.

Strait made a motion, seconded by Green, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting as written. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

LeFever made a motion, seconded by Green, to approve the minutes of the Special meeting as written. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

Green made a motion, seconded by Strait, to adopt Ordinance No. 2018-08, Appropriation Ordinance for Year Ending 2019. Upon roll call, all council members voted for except LeFever. LeFever voted against. Motion carried.

Strait made a motion, seconded by Smitley, to approve Change Order #3 with Hoerr Construction Inc. for the amount of $1,100.00 on the Sewer Lining – 2018 Project. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

Strait made a motion, seconded by Smitley, to approve Pay Application #3 and Final with Hoerr Construction Inc. for the amount of $55,095.70 on the Sewer Lining – 2018 Project. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

Wallace made a motion, seconded by Tharp, to waive the bidding requirements and approve the Agreement between the City of Marshall and BHMG Engineers Inc. for the SCADA HMI Upgrade in the amount of $133,543.00. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

Tharp made a motion, seconded by Pearce, to approve Pay Application #2 to Leander Construction Inc. in the amount of $256,700.44. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

Hasten made a motion, seconded by LeFever, to approve an Agreement between the City of Marshall, IL and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 841. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

Strait made a motion, seconded by Green, to approve street closing requests from Heritage Trail Abate of IL for Saturday, May 19, 2018 and Saturday, May 26, 2018. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

Strait made a motion, seconded by Wallace, to approve the Mayoral Appointments of Dir. Of Public Works, Supt. Of Public Works, Senior Technician, Office Manager, Police Chief and City Attorney by omnibus vote. Upon roll call, all council members voted for except LeFever. LeFever voted against. Motion failed.

Strait made a motion, seconded by Wallace, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Dir. Of Public Works: Cory Sheehy. Upon roll call, all council members voted for except LeFever. LeFever voted against. Motion carried.

Strait made a motion, seconded by Wallace, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Supt. Of Public Works: Duane Low. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

Strait made a motion, seconded by Green, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Senior Technician: Joel Sims. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

Tharp made a motion, seconded by Wallace, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Office Manager: Nancy Smitley. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

Strait made a motion, seconded by Smitley, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of Police Chief: Chris Smithson. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

Strait made a motion, seconded by Pearce, to approve the Mayoral Appointment of City Attorney: Richard James. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried.

There are no changes to the committees previously appointed by the Mayor so they will stand as they presently are. No vote was required.

Strait made a motion, seconded by Smitley, to approve the purchase of the Candy Kitchen in the amount of $10,000.00. Upon roll call, all council members voted for except Green and LeFever. Green and LeFever voted no. Motion carried.

Green made a motion, seconded by LeFever, to pay the bills in the amount of $540,713.41. Upon roll call, all members voted for. Motion carried.

LeFever made a motion, seconded by Tharp to adjourn. Upon roll call, all council members voted for. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
