
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of Westfield Village Board met May 7.

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Village of Westfield Village Board met May 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Members Present: Bill Fouty, David Cutright, Scott Adams, Aaron Hacker, Julia Gladu, Nate Evans

Members Absent: Seth Edwards

Others Present: Supt. Tally, Steve Smallwood, Mary Smallwood

Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Mayor Fouty at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Fouty, present, Cutright, present, Adams, present, Edwards, absent, Evans, present, Hacker, present, Gladu, present.

Approve April Regular Minutes: Adams made motion to accept the minutes of the regular meetings. Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved

Approve Payment of Bills: Motion to accept payment of bills was made by Evans, seconded by Hacker. Cutright, aye, Adams, aye, Edwards, absent, Evans, aye, Hacker, aye, Gladu, aye. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve Payment of $172,750.38 to B & T Drainage Inc.: Hacker made the motion to approve the payment of $172,750.38 to B & T Drainage Inc. Evans seconded the motion. Cutright, aye, Adams, aye, Edwards, absent, Evans, aye, Hacker, aye, Gladu, aye. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve Financial Statement: Cutright made motion to accept the financial statement. Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve Transfer of Funds: Cutright made the motion to accept the transfer for $450 from General Fund to Gym Fund. Hacker seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Citizens Comments: Steve Smallwood made a complaint about cars, vans, and trucks at the end of Ridgeview Drive with no current plates or any plates and probably no insurance on them. Mayor Fouty told him that it would be passed on to the Chief of Police.

Discuss and Approve Committee Reports: Hacker made the motion to approve the Water & Streets (while saving the water options until a later date) and Police committee reports. Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Police Report: Report reviewed. Hacker made the motion to approve the police report, Evans seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Utility Superintendent’s Report: Report discussed. Motion to accept utility superintendent’s report was made by Hacker. Motion was seconded by Gladu. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Purchasing a New Mower: Evans made the motion to table until next month. Adams seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Hiring a Part-Time Police Officer: Adams made the motion to approve the hiring of Jason Goble as a part-time police officer at the rate of $11.00 per hour. Hacker seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Selling the Old Jail Property: Evans made the motion to table selling the property until next month. Gladu seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Other Business: Gladu discussed the sidewalk at the insurance office that needs replacing. The standing water at the cemetery was brought up. Tall grass and vehicles parked across the sidewalks were discussed.

Adjourn Meeting: Evans made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. Adams seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.
