
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

City of Casey City Council met April 16.

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City of Casey City Council met April 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

The Regular Meeting of the City Council was held Monday April 16th, 2018; beginning at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Nik Groothuis was absent so Clerk Jeremy Mumford called the Meeting to Order and led the Pledge of Allegiance:

Roll Call: Present: Alderman Dane

Alderman Dennis Alderman Nichols Alderman Todd Alderman Washburn Alderman Williams

Absent: Mayor Groothuis

A quorum was declared.

Clerk Mumford asked for a nomination for Chairman for tonight’s meeting. Alderman Todd nominated Mike Nichols for Chairman for tonight’s meeting, seconded by Alderman Washburn. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 5 – Dane, Dennis, Todd, Washburn and Williams Nays: 0 – None

Abstain: 1 – Nichols

Motion declared carried

Public Forum:


Community Affairs:


Meeting Minutes:

Chairman Nichols looked for approval of the Minutes of the April 2nd, 2018 Council Meeting.

Alderman Dennis motioned approval of the April 2nd , 2018 Council Meeting Minutes, seconded by Alderman Washburn. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 5 – Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams Nays: 0 – None

Abstain: 1 – Dane

Motion declared carried

Officers Reports:

Clerk Mumford requested approval of the April 16th, 2018 Bills Payable. Alderman Williams motioned approval of the April 16th, 2018 Bills payable totaling $100,292.95, seconded by Alderman Dennis. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Motion declared carried

Attorney Shoaff presented Ordinance #435: An Ordinance which Amends Chapter 9.32, entitled Public Intoxication, of the Casey Municipal Code. Attorney Shoaff explained what the ordinance did and how she worked with the police department to come up with this ordinance. Alderman Todd motioned approval of Ordinance #435: An Ordinance which Amends Chapter 9.32, entitled Public Intoxication, of the Casey Municipal Code, seconded by Alderman Dane. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Motion declared carried

Attorney Shoaff then presented Ordinance #436: An Ordinance which Amends the Liquor License Ordinance. This brings the change that was approved at the March 5th, 2018 Council Meeting which adds 1 more class D License. This Ordinance also adds back the special event license which was accidentally removed with a previous codification. Alderman Williams motioned approval of Ordinance #436: An Ordinance which Amends the Liquor License Ordinance, seconded by Alderman Dennis. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Motion declared carried

Collector Hickox reported that they have been working on getting a table together for the Annual Chamber Dinner. They have also been receiving a lot of the water surveys returned.

Economic Development Director Clark reported that they have interviewed a candidate for the Summer Intern position and Mayor Groothuis plans on offering the position to that candidate. The food truck festival is coming up this Saturday. She has around 8 food trucks coming to this festival. And she is also meeting with Knights and Assocaites this week about the possible road grant from IL Route 49 to the narrow slab to the West.

Intern Thomas reported that on April 23rd from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. she will have her final presentation on her internship at City Hall. It will be open to the public and invites all to attend.

New Business: Salary and License Chairman Todd reported on the 2 meetings they have held on 4/10/18 and 4/16/18. They are going to be putting this discussion on hold for now because they are wanting feedback from the Mayor regard the Appointed Officials Positions.

Public Utility committee meet and Alderman Nichols reported on the meeting held on 4/13/18. They talked about the Water and Sewer Projects, and what the rates might need to be. They are going to wait for more information before they make a decision.

Unfinished Business:

Trash and Recycling Bids – Clerk Mumford presented to the Council the bid spec sheets that were given to the City. A copy of the bid sheets were given to all Council Members so they have had time to review them. After some discussion and questions Chairman Nichols asked if there were any motions regarding the Trash and recycling bids.

Alderman Williams motioned approval to accept the Trash and Recycling bid from Advanced Disposal, which included the Recycling optional plan, seconded by Alderman Todd. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Motion declared carried

Chairman Nichols thanked all the companies that took the time to bid on this project.

Alderman Reports:

Alderman Dennis thanked Republic for their years of service for the City.

Alderman Todd reported on the park pond and how they may dye it blue/green this summer to help it look better.

Mayor Reports:


There was no further Business of the City Council for the April 16th, 2018 Meeting.


Alderman Dennis motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Washburn. Upon roll call the vote was:

Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Nichols, Todd, Washburn and Williams

Nays: 0 – None

Motion declared carried

Adjournment of the City Council was at 6:42 p.m.
