
East Central Reporter

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Oakwood Community Unit School District 76 Board of Education met July 19.


Oakwood Community Unit School District 76 Board of Education met July 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Jerry Harper, President.

1. Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Recognition of Guests/Public Comment

Some district employees were present. There was no public comment

4. Consent Agenda:

5.1 Approval of Minutes of Recent Regular and Special Meetings, and of any Board Committees. 5.2 Approval of Bills Payable and Bills paid after last Board Meeting 5.3 Approval of Imprest and Activity Fund Reports 5.4 Approval of Treasurer’s Report 5.5 Approval of Closed Session minutes from previous board meetings.

Mr. Lewis recommends approval.

Motion by Ludwig, Seconded by Adams, to approve the consent agenda items as submitted. Motion Carried by Roll Call Vote #1

5. Resignations

Janice Knight – OHS Art. She took a job in Champaign. Mr. Lee has two interviews set up.

6. Reports

6.1 Superintendent

Most of his time is spent speaking with legislators. Right now the issue seems to be the current education formula needs to be evidence based before it can be approved. Senate Bill 1 and Senate Bill 1124 are basically the same but the difference is in what Chicago will receive and lose in funding.

We are in a better position than some districts, so we will have to wait and see how it plays out. The new accounting system is coming along, but there are a few bugs they have had to work out. He and Dinah are going to watch a webinar on the system. Junior high parking lot should be getting started tomorrow with asphalt and the grade school lot was sealed. Tower is up at the grade school and Chris is working on getting that all set up. John has moved and replaced some tile; we had a floor in the care room that needed to be leveled out. The wires are being run for the new phones and the camera systems so things are moving along. Registration is August 2nd in the grade school gym and our audit is the 2nd week in August. Once he gets a better idea of funding he will be able to complete the budget and present to the board.

6.2 OHS Principal

The usual summer stuff; school, camps, blood drive today. Wanted to give a big thank you to Juice and John for hanging the new stage curtains. These were purchased using grants, donations and fundraising with no financial assistance from the district.

Juice worked very hard in order to purchase the curtains.

6.3 OHS Asst. Principal/AD

6.4 OJHS Principal

6.5 OGS Principal

6.6 Curriculum

The teachers are going next week for the Wilson Reading System. Mrs. Kimbro submitted the yearend report on the growth so that will go on the website. Will be proceeding to purchase books for the new year.

6.7 Transportation

The new busses will arrive first of next month. Once John has the fence up the tanks will be moved.

6.8 Technology

Chris has been busy getting things ready with the phones and cameras. Still waiting on the grant to purchase additional Chrome books.

6.9 Buildings and Grounds

7. Freedom of Information Requests

We did not have any request.

8. OCEF Report

The meeting was on Monday and they have started on the baskets. If anyone is interested in putting one together please let Luanne Grimm know. Luanne also asked for a list of the vendors that are doing summer work so they can send out a letter. They are going to try to have a table at registration also. The banquet is October 21 and they should have tickets by next meeting on August 2nd.

9. Closed Session

9.1 Personnel

10. Board Business Action Items:

10.1 Recommendation to sell Diamond Ball Fields

We received one bid that met the criteria and it was from Tony of Danville Baseball for $5,025.00 Mr. Lewis contacted him and he will have the lawyer draw up the contract.

Motion by Plotner, Seconded by Smith, to approve the bid to sell Diamond Ball Fields as presented. Motion Carried by Roll Call Vote #2

11. Board Discussion Items

Mr. Harper wanted to advise that the Finance Committee met with Mr. Lewis and David from First Midstate on June 30th. They discussed using working cash bonds to cover in the short term if the need arose. This is a 4-5 month process so if we start now, then about 4 months of the process will be complete by the end of the year. This would be good for up to 3 years and it is not something we will have to do but the availability to assist the district since things are still not settled with the state. The bond company only gets paid once the bonds are sold, so if we chose to not proceed then we are not out anything. He would like to know the boards feeling and this can be put on the agenda for August meeting.

Mr. Adams referred to the line of credit from last year and asked if there was a difference. Mr. Lewis indicated that they are mostly the same, this is just about starting the process should the need arise. Mr. Lewis did indicate that once one of the bills is passed, we would receive the funding and we would not need. Mr. Plotner feels that with all the uncertainty, this would be a better stop gap and we would still have a line of credit should we need it. Mr. Harper did say that the working cash bonds can be sold in any increment they choose. Mrs. Ludwig feels that should do whatever we can to ensure that we open and stay open until all is settled with the state. Mr. Harper indicated we can have them come talk to us about the working cash and put it on the agenda. It can always be table the item.

Mr. Harper also indicated on the convention, there has been interest expressed by three members and we will only send two. Mr. Adams indicated that he has gone the past two years and has enjoyed it so if someone else wishes to attend that is fine.

12. Next Regular Meeting – August 16, 5:30 pm

13. Adjournment

Motion by Plotner, Seconded by Smith, to adjourn at 5:55 p.m. Motion Carried by Roll Call Vote #3
