Newton City Council met July 18.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
1. Call to Order: Mark Bolander, Mayor
Mayor Mark Bolander called the meeting to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance led by Alderman Steve Rubsam
Pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Alderman Steve Rubsam.
3. Roll Call: Rosetta York, City Clerk
Physically present: Steve Rubsam, David Brown, Larry Brooks, Robert Reisner, Eric Blake, Scott
Absent: None
Also present: Attorney Max Tedford, Treasurer Melissa Brooks, Clerk Rosetta York
4. Adopt or Amend Agenda:
9e. correction: 17-06
Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Bloomberg, to adopt the amended agenda.
Ayes: Rubsam, Brown, Brooks, Reisner, Blake and Bloomberg
Nays: None
5. Approval of Regular Minutes of July 5, 2017
Motion was made by Bloomberg, seconded by Rubsam, to approve the minutes of the regular
meeting of the July 5, 2017 meeting of the Newton City Council.
Ayes: Brown, Brooks, Reisner, Blake, Bloomberg and Rubsam
Nays: None
6. Approval of Bills & Accounts Payable
Alderman Rubsam reviewed the pre-paids in the amount of $189,996.56 and the bills and
accounts payable earlier today and made a motion to approve the pre-paids and authorize
payment of the bills and accounts payable in the amount of $236,806.37.
Bloomberg seconded the motion.
Ayes: Brooks, Reisner, Blake, Bloomberg, Rubsam and Brown
Nays: None
7. Public Comments/Communications: None
8. Old Business:
a. Consider and act on Ordinance 17-07 Annual Appropriations.
Motion was made by Brooks, seconded by Rubsam, to pass Ordinance 17-07 Annual
Ayes: Reisner, Blake, Bloomberg, Rubsam, Brown and Brooks
Nays: None
b. Consider and act on the Sanitary Sewer Easement and Maintenance Agreement between the City and
3PP Newton, LLC. (old Alco building property)
Motion was made by Brown, seconded by Bloomberg, to approve the Sanitary Sewer Easement
and Maintenance Agreement between the City and 3PP Newton, LLC. (old Alco building property)
Ayes: Blake, Bloomberg, Rubsam, Brown, Brooks and Reisner
Nays: None
c. Consider and act on letter of agreement with the Newton Police Laborer’s Local 1197 on salary
schedule correction.
Motion was made by Bloomberg, seconded by Rubsam, to approve the letter of agreement with
the Newton Police Laborer’s Local 1197 on salary schedule correction.
Ayes: Bloomberg, Rubsam, Brown, Brooks, Reisner and Blake,
Nays: None
9. New Business:
a. Consider and act on training for Newton Police employee to attend the 24th Annual Medicolegal Death
and Homicide Investigation Conference August 8-10, 2017 with a fee of $575.00 plus allowable
Motion was made by Bloomberg, seconded by Blake, to authorize training for a Newton Police
employee to attend the 24th Annual Medicolegal Death and Homicide Investigation Conference
August 8-10, 2017 with a fee of $575.00 plus allowable expenses.
Ayes: Rubsam, Brown, Brooks, Reisner, Blake and Bloomberg
Nays: None
b. Consider and act on Ken Larimore attending ITIA conference, Sept 20-21, 2017 for a fee of $350 plus
Motion was made by Bloomberg, seconded by Brooks, to authorize Ken Larimore attending ITIA
conference, Sept 20-21, 2017 for a fee of $350 plus expenses.
Ayes: Brown, Brooks, Reisner, Blake, Bloomberg and Rubsam
Nays: None
c. Consider and act on Ken Larimore attending IML conference, Sept 21-23 for a fee of $310 plus
Motion was made by Bloomberg, seconded by Rubsam, authorizing Ken Larimore attending IML
conference, Sept 21-23 for a fee of $310 plus expenses.
Ayes: Brooks, Reisner, Blake, Bloomberg, Rubsam and Brown
Nays: None
d. Consider and act on NCHS Homecoming Parade Special Event Application.
Motion was made by Blake, seconded by Bloomberg, approve the NCHS Homecoming Parade
Special Event Application.
Ayes: Reisner, Blake, Bloomberg, Rubsam, Brown and Brooks
Nays: None
e. Consider and act on Resolution 17-0 Homecoming Parade.
Motion was made by Bloomberg, seconded by Brown to pass Resolution 17-06 Homecoming
Ayes: Blake, Bloomberg, Rubsam, Brown, Brooks and Reisner
Nays: None
10. Committee Reports or Council Representative Reports:
Bloomberg- JEDI met July 11 and received an update by Casey Tibbs and Amber Wakefield on the
community marketing program. Updates were also given by CED Extension Educator Ken Larimore,
Newton Mayor Mark Bolander, Jasper Co. Board Chairman Ron Heltsley, Principal of Unit I Beth Probst
and a Chamber update by Natalie Hopson. Hopson gave a tour of the impressive Business Incubator
and chamber office.
Brown – The EMA met July 13. Ed Francis reported on the callouts EMA has responded to since the
last meeting. He also discussed the possibility of Jasper EMA purchasing a drone to assist in missing
person callouts, flood inspections, etc. Crawford County sent a drone to assist Jasper Co during a
recent missing person incident. Sources of funding discussed were grants, fundraisers and financial
support from the City and County.
Brooks – The Water Committee met July 12 and discussed the South Van Buren water main project.
John Stone will work on permits and other details to get the project started. A couple residing outside
city limits has requested to have city water at their residence.
Bloomberg – The Police Committee met July 17 and discussed the golf cart ordinance revisions on
restricted time 10:00 PM- 6:00 AM, grant for police vehicle and police training.
11. Statements:
Council Members:
Rubsam: No Comments
Brown: The Chamber’s Jeep Run was fun and very successful. Ed Francis thanked the mayor and
alderman for the part in getting Tractor supply to come to Newton.
Brooks: Thanked Mayor for his work on getting Tractor Supply Company. The flowers around town
look great.
Reisner: Thanked “Honey Do Ministries” and all the church workers for their great work.
Blake: No comments
Bloomberg: No comments
City Attorney: No Comments
City Treasurer: No Comments
City Clerk: No Comments
Mayor: “Take A Bite Out Of Crime” fundraiser is Friday, July 21.
12. Next Regular Meeting: August 1, 2017 at 6:00 PM
Scheduled Committee Meetings: Wastewater 7-24-17 at 5:30 PM and Park and Cemetery 7-
24-17 at 6:00PM and Finance 7-20-17 at 5:30 PM
13. Executive Session: Litigation, potential litigation, sale of real estate and negotiations
Motion was made by Bloomberg, seconded by Blake, to go out of open session and into closed
session to discuss litigation, potential litigation, sale of real estate and negotiations pursuant to
the exceptions section of the Open Meetings Act pertaining to those areas of discussion.
Ayes: Bloomberg, Rubsam, Brown, Brooks, Reisner and Blake,
Nays: None
Open session suspended at 6:24 PM.
Motion was made by Bloomberg, seconded by Rubsam, to go out of closed session and back
into open session.
Ayes: Rubsam, Brown, Brooks, Reisner, Blake and Bloomberg
Nays: None
Open session resumed at 6:54 PM.
Mayor Bolander announced that during closed session the council discussed litigation, potential
litigation, sale of real estate and negotiations.
14. Adjournment
Motion was made by Bloomberg, seconded by Rubsam, to adjourn the meeting.
Ayes: Brown, Brooks, Reisner, Blake, Bloomberg and Rubsam
Nays: None
Meeting adjourned at 6:56 PM.