Springfield, Illinois | Agriculture at English Wikipedia
Springfield, Illinois | Agriculture at English Wikipedia
State Rep. David Reis (R-Ste. Marie) and White County resident Valina Rowe testified to the House Judiciary Criminal Law Committee to push for passage of Senate Bill 1524, which would make it easier for active duty military members stationed in Illinois to get a concealed carry permit.
“The way the law reads now, nonresident active military personnel who are stationed in Illinois cannot apply for a concealed carry permit,” Reis said, according to a press release. “These are the same individuals who are defending our country yet they cannot defend themselves with a concealed carry option.”
Non-law enforcement individuals who want to carry a concealed firearm must possess an Illinois Concealed Carry License, but active duty military personnel are not allowed to apply for the permits. The state does not recognize concealed carry licenses from other states. The hearing was an opportunity for Reis and Rowe to highlight the issue for the House.
“We trust our soldiers to carry weapons in defense of our country,” Reis said, according to the release. “These folks should not be denied the right to an Illinois permit because of an unintended consequence of our four year old law.”