
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Beecher City Community Unit School District 20 Board of Education met April 10.

Beecher City Community Unit School District 20 Board of Education met April 10.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Beecher City Community Unit District No. 20 Board of Education was held March 13th, 2017 in the high school business room. Darren Doty, President of the Board, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present: Darren Doty, Nancy Wolf, Ryan Schaefer, Lee Roadarmel and Jordan Shields, Glenna Gordon, and Jeff Kline. Scott Cameron, Unit Superintendent, Phil Lark, High School Principal, and Rosa Milleville, Grade School Principal were also in attendance.

A motion was made by Roadarmel, and seconded by Schaefer, to enter into executive session at 7:02 p.m. for discussion of matters relating to evaluation, employment and/or dismissal of staff, as well as other matters appropriate for closed-session discussion. 

Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea; Gordon, yea; Kline,

yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Schaefer, and seconded by Gordon, to return to open session at 8:26 p.m. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea; Gordon,

yea; Kline, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Gordon, and seconded by Kline, to approve the minutes of executive session. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea; Gordon, yea; Kline, yea. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Wolf, and seconded by Shields, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on March 13th, 2017 as presented. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea; Gordon, yea; Kline, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Roadarmel, and seconded by Schaefer, to approve the principal’scontract for 2017-2018 school year. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea; Gordon, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Shields, and seconded by Schaefer to approve the Superintendent as President Pro Tem. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea.

Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Roadarmel, and seconded by Schaefer to approve Wolf as Secretary Pro Tem. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea.

Motion carried unanimously.

Nominations for President of Board of Education: Darren Doty nominated by Schaefer, and seconded by Roadarmel. Jordan Shields nominated by Doty, and no second followed.

Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea. Motion carried unanimously. Darren Doty was declared the President of the Board of Education.

President ____________________________ Secretary __________________________

Darren Doty, President of the Board took charge of the meeting.

Nominations for Vice-President of the Board of Education: Lee Roadarmel nominated by Schaefer and seconded by Shields. Doty, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea; Roadarmel, nay. Motion carried unanimously.

Nominations for Secretary of the Board of Education: Nancy Wolf nominated by Doty, and seconded by Roadarmel. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea;

Wolf, nay. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Schaefer, and seconded by Shields, to adopt the dates and locations for the regular meetings as presented. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea;

Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Roadarmel, and seconded by Wolf, to adopt the agenda as presented. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea. Motion

carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Shields, and seconded by Roadarmel, to approve the payment of the listed bills as presented. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea;

Shields, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Schaefer, and seconded by Wolf, to approve the sports requisitions as presented. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields,

yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Roadarmel, and seconded by Schaefer, to accept the review of the district bulling policy. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea.

Motion carried unanimously.

A motion made by Shields, and seconded by Roadarmel to approve the retirement of certified personnel. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea.

Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Shields, and seconded by Doty to approve the request for use of the facility for the high school. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea;

Shields, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Schaefer, and seconded by Doty to approve the board policy changes as presented. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea.

Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Shields, and seconded by Roadarmel to approve the sports co-op agreement with Cowden-Herrick School District. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea;

Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

President ____________________________ Secretary __________________________

A motion was made by Wolf, and seconded by Roadarmel to approve the FBLA National Leadership Conference trip to Anaheim, California. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf,

yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, nay. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Roadarmel, and seconded by Schaefer to renew the student insurance agreement with Markel Insurance Company. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf,

yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Schaefer, and seconded by Shields to approve the coaching resignations of Carolyn Wendte- Jr. High Softball, Carolyn Wendte- High School Softball, and Michael Nelson- High School Scholar Bowl. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea;

Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Wolf, and seconded by Roadarmel to approve coaches/sponsors as presented. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea. Motion

carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Wolf, and seconded by Roadarmel to approve the community service requirements as presented. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea;

Shields, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Schaefer, and seconded by Roadarmel, to approve the math curriculum changes as presented. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea;

Shields, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Wolf, and seconded by Schaefer to adjourn the meeting at 9:33 p.m. Doty, yea; Roadarmel, yea; Wolf, yea; Schaefer, yea; Shields, yea. Motion carried unanimously.

President ____________________________ Secretary __________________________