The Marshall City Council met at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 22.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Marshall City Council:
Agenda for August 22, 2016
1. Roll Call (6:30 P.M.)
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting and Correction and/or approval of same
4. Public Comments (Persons wishing to address the council will have a time limit of 3 minutes)
5. New Business
6. Consider and take action on bids received for the 5th Street Curb Repairs.
7. Consider and take action on Change Order #3 with Hoerr Construction for the Sewer Lining project in the amount of $1,501.10
8. Consider and take action on Pay Estimate #7 and Final with Hoerr 9. 10. Construction for the Sewer Lining project in the amount of $26,097.53
9. Consider and take action on Pay Estimate #1 and Final with Kieffer Bros. Construction Co. for the SRTS sidewalk addition
10. Consider and take action on an agreement with AT&T for use of the downtown water tower
11. Consider and take action on an agreement with Evo Studios Inc. for the City Website in the amount of $8,850.
12. Consider and take action on an Ordinance Amending Chapter 82. Traffic and Vehicles. Article VIII. Golf Carts. Section 82-241. Requirements of the Code of Ordinances, City of Marshall, Illinois.
13. Executive Session to discuss personnel.
14. Committee Reports
15. Pay Bills
16. Adjourn