The Arcola School District 306 board of education meets at 7 p.m. today, Aug. 10.
The Arcola School District 306 board is responsible for overseeing all local school district matters. the board meets on the second Wednesday of each month.
Here is the meeting agenda as provided by the Arcola School District 306 board of education:
Arcola School District #306
Board of Education
ARCOLA High School Library
351 West Washington
Arcola, IL. 61910
Regular Meeting
August 10, 2016 – 7:00 pm
I. Call to Order – President Strader
II. Roll Call
III. Public Hearing for Testimony on Proposed Waiver for Non-District Resident Tuition
IV. Communications
A. This portion of the meeting is open for members of the audience to address the Board (speakers are limited to five (5) minutes each).
B. Report on Pending FOIA Requests
C. Other
V. Approval of Minutes
A. Regular Board Meeting – July 13, 2016
B. Finance Committee Meeting – August 8, 2016
C. Building Committee Meeting – August 8, 2016
VI. Acceptance of Reports
A. Treasurer’s Report
VII. Payment of Bills and Payroll (Action Items)
A. Accounts Payable List
B. Payroll
VIII. Business
A. Approval of 2016-2017 Risk Management Plan
Proposed Action: That the Board approve the district Risk Management Plan that defines our eligible Tort Fund expenditures.
B. Approval of FY17 Tentative Budget and Set Hearing
Proposed Action: That the Board approve the tentative budget and set the budget hearing for September 14, 2016 at 7 pm.
C. Approval to Submit Waiver of Non-District Resident Tuition to the Illinois State Board of Education for Consideration.
Proposed Action: That the Board approve the submission of the waiver that would allow the district to waive tuition for full-time employees.
D. Approval to Purchase Scoreboards at cost of $24,089.
Proposed Action: That the Board approve the purchase of two scoreboards for the high school gym from Daktronics for $24,089.
E. Approval of Overnight Field Trip
Proposed Action: That the Board approve the overnight field trip for FCCLA.
IX. Administrative Team Reports
A. Mrs. Gentry, Principal, Arcola Grade School
B. Mrs. Sigrist, Principal, Arcola Junior High/High School
C. Mrs. Brimner, Special Services Director
D. Dr. Mulligan, Superintendent
X. Closed Session
Proposed Action: That the Board vote to enter into executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
XI. Business Following Closed Session (Action Items)
A. Approval of the resignation of Staff
Proposed Action: That the Board accept the resignation of Nancy Branson, effective immediately.
B. Approval of the employment of Staff
Proposed Action: That the Board approve the employment of Amy Truex as sophomore class sponsor and Breanne Reinhard as JH Scholastic Bowl Coach.
C. Approval of Memorandum Of Understanding between the Board of Education of Arcola
Community Unit School District No. 306 and the Regional Office of Education No.11.
Proposed Action: That the Board approve the MOU regarding the position of safe school cooperative program coordinator/counselor.
D. Approval of Certain Support Staff Salary Changes
Proposed Action: That the Board approve the recommended salary changes for certain support staff employees.
XII. Announcements and Discussion
A. Special Meeting on Vision Statement – August 24 at 6 pm.
B. Other
XIII. Adjournment