Members of the Casey City Council held a meeting on Monday, June 20.
The Casey City Council meets at 6 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month at City Hall, 108 E. Main St.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Casey City Council:
MONDAY, June 20, 2016
6:00 P.M.
The Regular Meeting of the City Council was held Monday, June 6, 2016; beginning at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Mike Nichols presided and called the Meeting to Order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call:
Present: Alderman Dane
Alderman Dennis
Alderman Jenkins
Alderman Wilson
Alderman Wimbley
Absent: None
A quorum was declared.
Public Forum: None
Meeting Minutes
Mayor Pro Tem Nichols looked for a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of June 6th, 2016.
Alderman Wilson motioned approval of the Meeting Minutes of June 6th, 2016, seconded by Alderman Dennis. Upon roll call the vote was:
Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Jenkins, Nichols, Wilson and Wimbley
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 0 – None
Motion declared carried.
Officers Reports
Clerk Mumford; Requested approval of the current June 2016 Bills payable. Alderman Wilson motioned approval of the current June 2016 bills payable totaling $610,483.60 seconded by Alderman Dane. Upon roll
call the vote was:
Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Jenkins, Nichols, Wilson and Wimbley
Nays: 0 – None
Absent: 0 – None
Motion declared carried.
Superintendent Biggs: Biggs introduced Lon Gardner with HWC. Mr. Gardner gave updates on the Wastewater Project. For the money requested for payment so far for Division A, it equaled a total of 15% of the value of the project so far. 9% was for actual construction costs, 6% for stored materials. Division A should start pouring concrete this week. Division B was almost done, with a walk through done this past Friday. There was a punch list of items to be completed. Division B was $28,693.73 over budget, which included $16,000 on overruns of asphalt and sidewalks. But Mr. Gardner stated there was plenty of money in contingencies to cover these costs. Mayor pro tem Nichols then requested approval to pay from the Wastewater Project Fund to Division A in the amount of $488,004.49 and to HWC Engineering in the amount of $23,287.72. Alderman Wimbley motioned approval of payment from the Wastewater Project Fund to Division A in the amount of $488,004.49 seconded by Alderman Wilson. Upon roll call the vote was: Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Jenkins, Nichols, Wilson and Wimbley Nays: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion declared carried.
Alderman Wimbley motioned approval of payment from the Wastewater Project Fund to HWC Engineering in the amount of $23,287.72 seconded by Alderman Dennis. Upon roll call the vote was: Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Jenkins, Nichols, Wilson and Wimbley Nays: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion declared carried.
Chief Jenkins: Chief Jenkins reminded the council that we had a vacancy in the dog catcher position, and he has interviewed William Carlen from Martinsville and that Chief Jenkins was recommending to the council that the City hire William Carlen as the City’s Dog Catcher. Alderman Wilson motioned approval of hiring William Carlen of Martinsville as the City’s Dog Catcher, seconded by Alderman Dane. Upon roll call the vote was: Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Jenkins, Nichols, Wilson and Wimbley Nays: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion declared carried.
Collector Hutton: Collector Hutton stated that the 4th of July celebration was ready will a full lineup. The parade would be on Monday July 4th starting at 10:00 am. Line up would be at the United Methodist Church parking lot. Events at the park would start at 11:30 a.m. The Jake Hoult band would be playing from 12:30 – 2:00, Garrett Biggs band would be playing from 3:15 – 5:00 and Sister Kate would play from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, with fireworks to follow. From Meetings 12:00 – 7:00 25/8 Extreme would have a rock climbing wall and laser tag which would be free for kids.
New Business: Street and Alley Committee: Alderman Biggs reported that the Street and Alley Committee met and discussed the 2016 MFT Oil and Chip Program. The MFT money the city is getting this year is down some, totaling around $57,134.60. Alderman Biggs said he would need a resolution to approve MFT Oil and Chip Program in the amount of $61,000. Clerk Mumford stated that since he didn’t know a Resolution was needed, he didn’t have that on the agenda, only approval of the program. A resolution will be passed at the next meeting, but the City could go ahead and approve the program. Alderman Wimbley motioned approval of the 2016 MFT Oil and Chip Program in the amount of $61,000, seconded by Alderman Dane. Upon roll call the vote was: Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Jenkins, Nichols, Wilson and Wimbley Nays: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion declared carried.
Ordinance Committee: Alderman Wilson reported that the Ordinance Committee meet on June 16th to discuss possible ordinance changes. They discussed a part-time police officer ordinance which was needed since the City was now using part time officers. They talked about a reduction of the speed limit on Main Street, from SW 3rd to SE 3rd; change the speed limit from 30 to 20 mph. They talked about changing the golf cart crossing on Main Street from SE 1st Street to SE 3rd Street. They also discussed a change to the Animal Control Ordinance. They needed to update rates and fees for the dog pound making it $50 charge for pickup of non-registered dog, $35 charge for pickup of a registered dog and a $15 charge per day fee when housed at the pound. The committee also discussed that they wanted to establish a TNR program. The committee will forward these ordinance changes onto Attorney Mette to review and bring back to the next council meeting for a possible vote.
Unfinished Business: Finance Committee: Alderman Wilson reported on meetings held on June 7th
and 14th for work on FY 17 Appropriations, and how it was progressing. The committee was getting close to being finished with the work on Appropriations. They needed to vote to put them on public display as well as set a public hearing. Alderman Wimbley motioned approval to place the 2017 Fiscal Year Appropriations on Public Display beginning July 1st 2016 thru July 18th, 2016, seconded by Alderman Dennis. Upon roll call the vote was: Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Jenkins, Nichols, Wilson and Wimbley Nays: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion declared carried.
Alderman Dane motioned approval to set a Public Hearing for Monday June 18th 2016 beginning at 5:30 pm to discuss FY 17 Appropriations, seconded by Alderman Dennis. Upon roll call the vote was: Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Jenkins, Nichols, Wilson and Wimbley Nays: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion declared carried.
Alderman Nichols then went on to discuss the need for 2 new Police Vehicles. He stated that the Finance Committee recommended that the City trade in 4 vehicles for 2 new Dodge Ram Pickup Trucks at J&K. Alderman Dane Motioned approval to purchase two new Dodge Ram Pickup Trucks from J&K Mitchell, amount not to exceed $56,000, seconded by Alderman Dennis. Upon roll call the vote was: Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Jenkins, Nichols, Wilson and Wimbley Nays: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion declared carried.
Alderman Reports: Alderman Dane wanted to commend the summer help for all the work they did to get the storm damage cleaned up.
Alderman Wilson also wanted to commend the summer help on the good job they are doing with weed-eating the ditches in town.
There was no further Business of the City Council for the May 16th, 2106 Meeting.
Adjournment: Alderman Dennis motioned to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Wimbley. Upon roll call the vote was: Ayes: 6 – Dane, Dennis, Jenkins, Nichols, Wilson and Wimbley Nays: 0 – None Absent: 0 – None Motion declared carried. Adjournment of the City Council was at 6:32 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by; Jeremy Mumford, City Clerk