
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of Montgomery Board of Trustees met Oct. 14

Webp 28

Village of Montgomery Board 2023-2025 | Village of Montgomery

Village of Montgomery Board 2023-2025 | Village of Montgomery

Village of Montgomery Board of Trustees met Oct. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. President Matt Brolley called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The colors were presented, and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cub Scout Pack 341. Following the Pledge of Allegiance Scout Jack Smith summarized the Scout’s pre-meeting visit to Village Hall and what they learned, stating they held a mock meeting about a power plant.

II. Roll Call

Trustee Matt Bauman Yea

Trustee Steve Jungermann Yea

Trustee Ben Brzoska Yea

Trustee Doug Marecek Yea

Trustee Dan Gier Yea

Trustee Theresa Sperling Yea

Village Clerk Debbie Buchanan Absent

Also present: Village Administrator Jeff Zoephel, Attorney Laura Julien, Engineer Chris Ott, Assistant Village Administrator Meghan Ostreko, Director of Community Development Sonya Abt, Director of Public Works Mark Wolf, Chief Phil Smith, Manager Kristina Nemetz, Manager Patrick Burke, members of the Press and guests.

III. Public Participation

A. Check Presentation to Hesed House.

President Brolley explained that F3 Outlands volunteered with the Montgomery Foundation at Montgomery Fest to raise $1,000 for Hesed House in Aurora. Joe Jackson, the Executive Director at Hesed House in Aurora described the mission of Hesed House as serving the needs of the homeless community in the area. He said that in addition to providing shelter, Hesed House also provides job training, a medical center, counseling services, and other services to aid families in getting back on their feet. Torian Richardson of F3 Nation then explained that F3 exists to plan, grow, and serve small men’s workout groups for the acceleration and growth of male community leadership. They have built a relationship with Hesed House to help build and uplift the community and plan to continue that work.

B. Public Comment. - None.

IV. Consent Agenda

A. Minutes of the September 23rd Village Board Meeting.

B. Accounts Payable and Summary Report through October 14th in the Amount of $960,794.01.

C. Accounts Receivable Report for September 2024.

D. Community Development Monthly Report for September 2024.

E. Water Production Report for September 2024.

Trustee Bauman moved to approve Items A-E of the Consent Agenda, seconded by Trustee Jungermann.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Bauman, Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, and Trustee Sperling voting yea.

V. Items for Separate Action

A. Resolution 2024-041 to Renew Animal Control Contract.

Chief Smith said that this will renew the agreement with Kane County Animal Control to provide us with a place to bring stray pets. The Village has had an agreement with them for 16 years.

Trustee Jungermann moved to approve Resolution 2024-041 Authorizing an Agreement for Animal Control Housing and Services, seconded by Trustee Marecek.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, and Trustee Bauman voting yea.

B. Resolution 2024-047 Approving a Settlement Agreement for the Early Termination of the Metronet Franchise Agreement.

This item was tabled to a future meeting.

C. Resolution 2024-048 Authorizing the Execution of a Water Purchase and Sale Contract.

Zoephel said Items C, D, E and F are all related to our membership in the DuPage Water Commission (DWC) and transition to Lake Michigan water. Yorkville & Oswego have already approved these agreements and DWC will be voting on them at their next meeting. Item C enacts our membership in the DuPage Water Commission. It says that they will begin delivering water to the Village no later than 2032. We may join sooner provided that our water loss is lower than 10%. DWC currently has six district, but will be creating a 7th district for the communities not in DuPage County. There will be two representatives for the seventh district. One will be a resident appointed by the DuPage County Board Chairman and the other will be a resident voted on by the mayors of the three communities.

Trustee Sperling moved to approve Resolution 2024-048 Authorizing the Execution of a Water Purchase and Sale Contract, seconded by Trustee Gier.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman, Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska and Trustee Gier voting yea.

D. Resolution 2024-049 Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Concerning the Development of Connection Facilities to Implement Water Service. Administrator Zoephel said this item concerns the construction of facilities. Montgomery will pay a 24.42% share of the construction project. Trustee Sperling asked for confirmation on how the percentages were calculated. Administrator Zoephel confirmed that it was based on the projected population and maximum daily use of each community in 2050.

Trustee Marecek moved to approve Resolution 2024-049 Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Concerning the Development of Connection Facilities to Implement Water Service, seconded by Trustee Sperling.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman and Trustee Jungermann voting yea.

E. Resolution 2024-050 Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Concerning Capital Cost Recovery Charge.

Monday, October 14, 2024 7:00 p.m.

Village of Montgomery Village Board Meeting Minutes

Administrator Zoephel said this item concerns Montgomery’s buy-in cost of $9.9 million. That cost will be paid in installments, interest free, over the course of 30 years.

Trustee Jungermann moved to approve Resolution 2024-050 Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Concerning Capital Cost Recovery Charge, seconded by Trustee Brzoska.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling and Trustee Bauman voting yea.

F. Resolution 2024-051 Authorizing the Execution of the Waterlink Project Escrow Intergovernmental Agreement.

Administrator Zoephel said this item provides us with the ability to obtain a line of credit from DuPage Water Commission of up to $7 million to help with project costs. The interest rate is not attractive, and we do not plan on using this option unless we need a short-term bridge loan due to a cash flow emergency.

Trustee Marecek moved to approve Resolution 2024-051 Authorizing the Execution of the Waterlink Project Escrow Intergovernmental Agreement, seconded by Trustee Bauman.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman and Trustee Jungermann voting yea.

G. Resolution 2024-052 Approving a Plat of Dedication (Doulgas Avenue and Sherman Avenue).

Director Wolf said as part of the Village’s sidewalk gap program an area was identified at Douglas Avenue and Sherman Avenue in which St. Olaf’s church owned property to the center of road. The Village needs to obtain right-of-way to install the sidewalk in this area. Construction of the sidewalk will take place in this year’s IRP.

Trustee Marecek moved to approve Resolution 2024-052 Approving a Plat of Dedication (Doulgas Avenue and Sherman Avenue), seconded by Trustee Jungermann.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman and Trustee Jungermann voting yea.

H. Ordinance 2095 Ordinance Declaring Personal Property Owned by the Village Surplus and Authorizing Its Disposal (Waiver of First and Passage on Second Reading).

Director Wolf said as part of the Village’s Vehicle Equipment Replacement Fund (VERF), five squad cars are to be decommissioned and replaced with five new cars that have been procured. The Village will utilize an online auction service to sell the decommissioned vehicles. Trustee Marecek asked if the funds from the sales go back into VERF; Director Milewski confirmed that they do go back in to offset the cost of future purchases. Trustee Jungermann asked if any other Village departments need a vehicle before these are sold. Director Wolf said that departmental needs are evaluated before selling. Director Wolf said typically it is more advantageous to purchase new vehicles if they are intended for long term use, as these vehicles are patrol vehicles with higher miles and high engine hours. Trustee Sperling asked for clarification about what is removed from police vehicles prior to sale. Director Wolf said lights, identifying decals, badges are removed; cages and molded back seat are left in place. These vehicles are generally sold “as is” and it varies who buys them.

Trustee Brzoska moved to approve Ordinance 2095 Ordinance Declaring Personal Property Owned by the Village Surplus and Authorizing Its Disposal (Waiver of First and Passage on Second Reading), seconded by Trustee Sperling.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman, Trustee Jungermann and Trustee Marecek voting yea.

I. Approval for Award of Contract to Layne Christensen Company in the amount of $ 338,475.00 for the Well No. 8 Rehabilitation Project (Waiver of Bid).

Engineer Ott said the Village received proposals from two companies for this project. The project came in under budget. Trustee Marecek asked why there was waiver of bid. Engineer Ott said we asked for proposals but did not advertise and open sealed bids for the project. Trustee Bauman asked if the proposal is held to same standards as sealed bid. Engineer Ott said we wanted to solicit proposals from these two companies since we have worked with them both before. They were given the same specifications for the project as would have been provided in a sealed bid process prior to them submitting their proposals. Engineer Ott said we have a task order agreement with Layne Christensen to do well rehab work, but we requested proposals from two companies for this project to ensure the Village was getting a good price on the work for this project.

Trustee Marecek moved to approve Award of Contract to Layne Christensen Company in the amount of $ 338,475.00 for the Well No. 8 Rehabilitation Project (Waiver of Bid), seconded by Trustee Bauman.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling, Trustee Bauman and Trustee Jungermann voting yea.

J. Ordinance 2096 Authorizing the Acquisition of Real Property – 220 Clinton St. (Waiver of First and Passage on Second Reading).

Attorney Julien said that the Village has had right of first refusal for this propery dating back to the construction of Village Hall. The agreed to purchase price of $220,00 is $30,000 below the listing price.

Trustee Bauman moved to approve Ordinance 2096 Authorizing the Acquisition of Real Property – 220 Clinton St. (Waiver of First and Passage on Second Reading), seconded by Trustee. Sperling

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Bauman and Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, and Trustee Sperling voting yea.

VI. Items for Discussion

VII. New or Unfinished Business

Trustee Brzoska said that the Beautification Committee will be judging for the Halloween decoration contest on October 23. If anyone would like to participate in the judging, please contact him.

Trustee Marecek thanked the Police Department staff, officers, volunteers, and sponsors for the Halloween Safety event that was held on Saturday. Trustee Brzoska reported that the Rotary Club collected a truck full of food at the event.

Trustee Sperling said she emailed Administrator Zoephel and Director Wolf regarding Concord Road. Director Wolf said the Village will be adding crosswalk signs and striping crosswalks at Thunder Gulch and Monarchos where pedestrian crossings are heaviest. Concord Road is a no load collector designed to move traffic at higher speed, but staff will continue to evaluate the need for a stop sign in the future as the park progresses through future phases. The Police Department will also provide some additional enforcement of speed. Trustee Bauman is concerned that the road was designed to have a higher speed, as it is in a neighborhood with walking paths. He said there is too much disregard for safety by people driving on Concord. Trustee Jungermann said he’s asked for years that all neighborhood streets have a speed limit of 25 mph. President Brolley said the Village should move forward with interim improvements immediately to call attention to pedestrian crossings and in the spring, when park is ready, we will re-evaluate. Director Wolf said the next evaluation will occur during the summer months after Phase 2 of the park is complete and when pedestrian traffic is anticipated to be highest. Trustee Gier suggested adding additional speed signs so that cars turning onto Concord know what the speed limit is. He also asked that the next evaluation use electronic traffic counters. Engineer Ott confirmed that electronic traffic counters were used for seven days in the most recent evaluation.

Trustee Sperling said that residents have reported safety concerns with people parking on streets, right up to the crosswalks, rather than in the new parking lot at the pickleball courts in Briarcliff. Staff will evaluate the situation.

VIII. Future Meeting Schedule

A. Committee of the Whole Meeting – Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 - cancelled

B. Historic Preservation Committee Meeting – Monday, October 21st, 2024 at 6:30P.

C. Intergovernmental Committee Meeting – Monday, October 28th, 2024 at 6:00P.

D. Village Board Meeting – Monday, October 28th, 2024 at 7:00P.

E. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting – Thursday, November 7th, 2024 at 7:00P.

F. Village Board Meeting - Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 at 7:00P.

G. Beautification Committee Meeting - Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 at 6:00P.

H. Board of Fire & Police Commissioners Meeting – Thursday, November 14th, 2024 at 9:00A.

IX. Executive Session

X. Adjournment: 7:58 p.m.

Trustee Jungermann moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Trustee Brzoska.

6 Yea. 0 No. Motion carried. Trustee Jungermann, Trustee Marecek, Trustee Brzoska, Trustee Gier, Trustee Sperling and Trustee Bauman voting yea.
