
East Central Reporter

Friday, January 24, 2025

Flora Community Unit School District 35 Board of Education met Oct. 16

Webp 20

Leslie Carder, Principal | Flora Community Unit School District 3

Leslie Carder, Principal | Flora Community Unit School District 3

Flora Community Unit School District 35 Board of Education met Oct. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Members Present: Wiley, Leib, Porter, Dunahee, Hatcher, Harris Administration Present: Hackney, T. Pearce, Pearce, Carder, Leonard

Guests: None

Media: Beth Fancher

Call to Order: 5:30 p.m.



1. Motion Leib seconded by Dunahee, to approve the Consent Agenda: Minutes of the previous meeting, September 25, 2023, Bills, Activity Account Statements, Treasurer’s Report, Certified/Non-Certified Seniority Lists, ham/turkeys for staff for Christmas. Roll call: Unanimous



1. Motion Porter seconded by Hatcher, to approve the posting of the 2023 school report cards when available. Roll Call: Wiley, yes; Hatcher, yes; Harris, yes; Porter, yes; Dunahee, yes; Leib, yes.

2. Motion Leib, seconded by Harris to approve school improvement plans as presented. Roll Call: Hatcher, yes; Leib, yes; Porter, yes; Harris, yes; Wiley, yes; Dunahee, yes.

3. Committee Reports: The City/Ballfield committee will meet on October 23rd, the CAC committee will meet on November 1st, and the athletic committee will meet on November 6th.

4. Administrator Reports:

Mrs. Pearce: Pre-K Family night was successful, the Kindegarten will perform at Radiothon and Veterans program. Miles for Smiles coming up in November.

Mrs. Carder: 5th grade Veteran Walk in November/ 4th grade to City Museum and 11/16 Family Reading Night.

Mrs. Leonard: First girls basketball game on 10/17 and boy on 10/19, 6th grade going to Lincoln Museum coming up and Red Ribbon Weeek 10/23-10/27.

T. Pearce: College Fair 10/16 was successful, discussed possible Athletic Training Class and did on-line PBAT MSOT last week.

Hackney: Highlighted Parent/Teacher Conferences. Upcoming Veterans Day Program.

5. Motion Dunahee seconded by Hatcher, to employ Whitney Cox as paraprofessional effective October 2, 2023. Roll Call: Wiley, yes; Dunahee, yes; Harris, yes; Leib, yes; Porter, yes; Hatcher, Wiley, yes.

6. Motion Hatcher seconded by Dunahee, to accept resignation submitted by Lindsey Davis effective October 24, 2023. Roll Call: Wiley, yes; Porter, yes; Leib, yes Hatcher, yes; Harris, yes; Dunahee, yes.

7. Motion Porter seconded by Wiley, to approve Greg Schafer, Nick Schafer, and Nathan Atwood as volunteer assistant coaches for 7th/8th grade boys' basketball for 2023--2024 season. Roll Call: Porter, yes; Harris, yes; Hatcher, yes; Wiley, yes; Dunahee, yes; Leib, yes.

8. Motion Leib seconded by Harris, to employ Caley Springmeyer as Parent Educator effective . Roll Call: Harris, yes; Porter, yes; Leib, yes; Dunahee, yes; Wiley, yes; Hatcher, yes.

9. Motion Hatcher seconded by Porter, to employ Bristol Burroughs as PI Educator. Roll Call: Wiley, yes; Porter, yes; Leib, yes; Harris, yes; Dunahee, yes; Hatcher, yes.

10. Motion Wiley seconded by Leib, to appove the leave of absence for Kelsey Hintz From October 19, 2023 through January 2, 2024. Roll Call: Dunahee, yes; Porter, yes; Wiley, yes; Leib, yes; Hatcher, yes; Harris, yes.

11. Motion Leib seconded by Porter, to adjourn the meeting at ( 6:30 p.m.). All ayes. Motion carried.
