
East Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Mattoon City Council met June 6

City of Mattoon City Council met June 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of the City of Mattoon held a Regular City Council meeting in the Council Chambers of City Hall on June 6, 2023. Mayor Hall presided and called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Mayor Hall led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The following members of the Council answered roll call physically present in person: YEA Commissioner Jim Closson, YEA Commissioner Sandra Graven, YEA Commissioner Dave Phipps and YEA Mayor Rick Hall. Commissioner Dave Cox was absent.

Also physically present were City personnel: City Attorney Daniel C. Jones, Finance Director/Treasurer Beth Wright, Public Works Director Dean Barber, Arts & Tourism Director Angelia Burgett (audio), Community Development/Planning Manager Alex Benishek, Fire Chief Jeff Hilligoss, Police Chief Sam Gaines and City Clerk Susan O’Brien.


Mayor Hall seconded by Commissioner Phipps moved to approve the consent agenda consisting of Regular Meeting minutes of May 16, 2023; bills and payroll for the last half of May 2023; Home Rehab Checks.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following omnibus vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.


This portion of the City Council meeting is reserved for persons who desire to address the Council. The Illinois Open Meetings Act mandates that the City Council may NOT take action on comments received on matters that have not been identified on this agenda, but the Council may direct staff to address the topic or refer the matter for action on the agenda for another meeting. Persons addressing the Council are requested to limit their presentations to three minutes and to avoid repetitious comments. We would also ask you to state your name and address for the record as well as stand when speaking.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for Public comment. Mrs. Rebecca Darling, 3413 Prairie, voiced her concern over sanctuary cities. Attorney Jones stated a decision to become a sanctuary city would be on the agenda and the public would be notified. Mayor Hall noted no one had approached the City. Mr. John Dhermy, 804 Lafayette, voiced his support of a cannabis dispensary. Ms. Kim Edwards of Coles County Council on Aging requested the Council to approve the funding request application. Manager Benishek noted CCCA receives matching funds from the State and is an essential service to the City.

Commissioner Phipps recognized Public Works Superintendent Kevin Hamilton’s long-term, loyal employment with the City; wished him the best; and presented him with a retirement plaque acknowledging his over 35 years of service with the City at the Public Works Department on June 01, 2023. Director Barber thanked Mr. Hamilton for his service to the City. Mr. Hamilton thanked the City for his employment.


Mayor Hall seconded by Commissioner Graven moved to approve Council Decision Request 2023-2370, ratifying the re-appointments of Laura Huddleston and Phyllis Karpus and the appointment of Karin Edwards to the Mattoon Public Library Board for terms ending 06/30/26.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Mayor Hall noted contacting the individuals to confirm their willingness to serve.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Graven seconded by Commissioner Closson moved to approve Council Decision Request 2023-2371, authorizing the employment of Talen Trummel as a Meter Reader II in the Finance Department with an annual salary of $37,024.00 effective June 08, 2023, contingent upon successful completion of a drug screening and background check.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Director Wright noted the resignation of the meter reader; thanked Public Works for assisting in the meantime; and stated Mr. Trummel had a plumbing background and would be a good fit.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Phipps seconded by Commissioner Closson moved to adopt Resolution No. 2023- 3250, approving the supplemental funding of Motor Fuel Tax funds in the amount of $111,566.95 for the milling, patching, resurfacing of the roads and improving ADA ramps located between 43rd Street and 19th Street; and authorizing the city clerk to sign the document. 19-00316-00-RS

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Director Barber noted the work performed along IDOT in 2020 along DeWitt Avenue.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Closson seconded by Commissioner Graven moved to approve Council Decision Request 2023-2372, approving the consultant cost proposal in the amount of $47,500 from Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. for the design of the Sanitary Sewer Piping from the Mattoon Sports Complex to the City’s Waste Water Treatment Plant; and authorizing the mayor to sign the agreement for professional consulting services.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Director Barber noted the City had the lead on design, the current piping was insufficient, and the design would include future benefits on the southeast side of town.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Phipps seconded by Commissioner Closson moved to approve Council Decision Request 2023-2373, approving the plans and specifications for the 2023 Street Resurfacing Project. 23- 00351-00-RS

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments with no response.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Closson seconded by Commissioner Phipps moved to approve Council Decision Request 2023-2374, approving the waiver of formal bidding requirements and approving the price quote from Curry Construction in the amount of $35,354.00 for repairs to one of the Secondary Digester Lids at the Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Director Barber announced the floating lids needed repaired, received quotes from Bartels and Plocher Construction, and work to start right away.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Phipps seconded by Commissioner Closson moved to approve Council Decision Request 2023-2375, awarding the bid in the amount of $146,432.00 from Bartels Construction for the Lafayette Avenue Sidewalk Project. 23-00352-00-SW

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments with no response.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Phipps seconded by Commissioner Graven moved to approve Council Decision Request 2023-2376, awarding the bid in the amount of $142.00 per cubic yard from Mid-Illinois Concrete, Inc. for the MFT General Street Maintenance redi-mix concrete. 23-00000-00-GM

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments/questions with no response


Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Phipps seconded by Commissioner Closson moved to adopt Special Ordinance No. 2023-1860, ratifying the promotion and employment agreement of Alexander Fuqua for the Public Works Superintendent position with an annual salary of $78,000 effective June 01, 2023, due to the retirement of Kevin Hamilton.




WHEREAS, the Public Works Superintendent position is currently vacant and the City wishes to fill the vacancy due to the retirement of Kevin Hamilton; and,

WHEREAS, Alexander Fuqua has been performing the duties of the Assistant Public Works Superintendent since August 06, 2018; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Mattoon enters into employment agreements with members of its managements team; and,

WHEREAS, the City is naming Alexander Fuqua as the Public Works Superintendent, effective June 01, 2023; and,

WHEREAS, the parties wish to memorialize the terms of Alexander Fuqua’s employment with the City.


Section 1. Alexander Fuqua is hereby named as the Public Works Superintendent, effective June 01, 2023.

Section 2. The City Council hereby approves an Employment Agreement with Alexander Fuqua for the position of Public Works Superintendent, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

Section 3. This ordinance shall be deemed published as of the day of its adoption and approval by the City Council.

Section 4. This ordinance shall be effective upon its approval as provided by law.

Upon motion by Commissioner Phipps , seconded by Commissioner Closson_, adopted this 6th day of June , 2023, by a roll call vote, as follows:

AYES: Commissioner Closson, Commissioner Graven,___

Commissioner Phipps, Mayor Hall_____________

NAYS : None___________________________________

ABSENT: Commissioner Cox________________________

Approved this 6th day of June , 2023.

/s/Rick Hall_____________________

Rick Hall, Mayor

City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois


/s/Susan J. O'Brien________

Susan J. O’Brien, City Clerk

/s/Daniel C. Jones _________

Daniel C. Jones, City Attorney

Recorded in the Municipality’s Records on 06-06 , 2023.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Director Barber provided Mr. Fuqua’s background and experience.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Closson seconded by Commissioner Phipps moved to approve Council Decision Request 2023-2377, approving the bid specifications and authorizing the solicitation of bid for the Lead Based Paint Remediation Project of City Hall.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions/comments. Mayor Hall noted Administrator Gill would be working on the specifications.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Commissioner Closson seconded by Commissioner Phipps moved to Adopt Resolution No. 2023- 3251, supporting the hosting of an AmeriCorps NCCC team to build trail systems at Lake Paradise; and authorizing the funding of up to $9,000 for housing expenses.


RESOLUTION NO. 2023-3251


WHEREAS, Lake Paradise is a cherished natural resource in the City of Mattoon ("City") that provides recreational opportunities for its residents; and

WHEREAS, Illinois currently ranks 46th in the nation for access to public lands; and

WHEREAS, the City aims to enhance the trail systems at Lake Paradise to improve access and enjoyment for the community; and

WHEREAS, the City of Mattoon intends to support Federal and State 30 by 30 conservation goals; and

WHEREAS, the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) offers dedicated teams to support community projects across the nation; and

WHEREAS, the City desires to host an AmeriCorps NCCC team to aid in building trail systems at Lake Paradise from September 15th to November 7th, 2023; and

WHEREAS, Camp New Hope has been identified as a suitable housing location for the 8 to 12 AmeriCorps NCCC members during their service period;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mattoon, Illinois, that:

Section 1: The City wholeheartedly supports the hosting of an AmeriCorps NCCC team to assist in building trail systems at Lake Paradise.

Section 2: The City authorizes and allocates up to $9,000 from gaming funds for the lodging expenses of the 8 to 12 AmeriCorps NCCC members at Camp New Hope during their service period from September 15, 2023, to November 7, 2023.

Section 3: The City Administrator or his designee is authorized to coordinate with the appropriate AmeriCorps NCCC representatives and Camp New Hope to facilitate the successful execution of the project and ensure suitable accommodations for the AmeriCorps NCCC team.

Section 4: The City recognizes that the efforts of the AmeriCorps NCCC team will contribute to the development of trail systems at Lake Paradise, benefiting the community's access to and enjoyment of the natural area and the preservation of native lands.

Section 5: This resolution shall come into full force and effect upon its adoption.

Upon motion by Commissioner Closson , seconded by Commissioner Phipps , adopted this 6th day of June , 2023, by a roll call vote, as follows:

AYES: Commissioner Closson, Commissioner Graven, Commissioner Phipps, Mayor Hall

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Commissioner Cox

Approved this 6th day of June, 2023.

/s/Rick Hall_____________

Rick Hall, Mayor

City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois


/s/Susan J. O'Brien_______

Susan J. O’Brien, City Clerk

/s/Dan C. Jones _________

Dan C. Jones, City Attorney

Recorded in the Municipality’s Records on 06-06, 2023.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Manager Benishek described the 110 acres of City property, five miles of trails connecting to Lincoln Prairie Grass Trail, increased quality of life, and anticipated start in September. Mayor Hall inquired as to the timeline for completion this year and the team to stay at Camp New Hope with Manager Benishek answering affirmatively. Commissioner Closson added a great look for Lake Paradise.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.

Susan Harding inquired as to which side of the lake for the trails, and stated her concerns with dangerous activities. Manager Benishek explained the areas, 500-1,000 feet separation from residences and more eyes on the trail from community members. Mayor Hall added the ability of people to walk around the lake in a safe way.

Commissioner Phipps seconded by Commissioner Graven moved to adopt Resolution No. 2023- 3252, approving an agreement between the City of Mattoon and the Illinois Commerce Commission for Railroad Crossing Signal Improvements on 32nd Street; and authorizing the mayor to sign the agreement.


RESOLUTION NO. 2023-3252


WHEREAS, the City of Mattoon owns and maintains a system of City streets and public right-of-ways including 32nd Street; and

WHEREAS, the Canadian National Railroad Company, doing business as Illinois Central Railroad Company (ICRR), owns and maintains a railroad crossing on 32nd Street approximately 428’ north of Marshall Avenue (IL-16); and

WHEREAS, the location of said railroad crossing is shown on the attached sketch labelled Exhibit ‘X’; and

WHEREAS, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) has secured funding assistance from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to replace the railroad crossing signals at said 32nd Street railroad crossing; and

WHEREAS, the Illinois Commerce Commission has requested that the City of Mattoon enter into the attached Agreement labelled Exhibit ‘Y’ for said railroad crossing signal replacements; and

WHEREAS, the City of Mattoon has no cost participation for said railroad crossing signal replacements, and no responsibility to control or prosecute the work; and

WHEREAS, the City of Mattoon agrees to the terms of the agreement and agrees to allow portions of said railroad crossing signal replacements to occur on City right-of-ways.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois, that the Agreement attached as Exhibit ‘Y’ with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), and the Illinois Central Railroad Company (ICRR) be approved, and that the mayor is authorized to sign the document.

Upon motion by Commissioner Phipps , seconded by Commissioner Graven , adopted this 6th day of June , 2023, by a roll call vote, as follows:

AYES (Names): Commissioner Closson, Commissioner Graven, Commissioner Phipps, Mayor Hall

NAYS: None

ABSENT: Commissioner Cox

Approved this 6th day of June , 2023.

/s/Rick Hall_____________________

Rick Hall, Mayor

City of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois


/s/Susan J. O'Brien_______

Susan J. O’Brien, City Clerk

/s/Dan C. Jones__________

Dan C. Jones, City Attorney

Recorded in the Municipality’s Records on 06-06, 2023.

Mayor Hall opened the floor for comments. Mayor Hall noted the location near Lytle Park, first time for a gate at the crossing, and no financing from the City. Director Barber added the Illinois Commerce Commission was funding the improvements.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.


CITY ADMINISTRATOR In Administrator Gill’s absence, Mayor Hall provided the weekly report highlights.

CITY ATTORNEY noted business as usual, an upcoming telephone status hearing for Quakenbush, and the former Brown Shoe Factory demolition to be heard in City Court. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

CITY CLERK noted business as usual. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

FINANCE distributed and reviewed the Revenue Tracking report, IML’s notice of LGDF (Local Government Distributive Fund) (Local Share) increases of approximately five percent, unrestricted cash; and preparation for the audit conducted remotely for most of the audit. Commissioner Closson inquired as to the term of the auditor’s contract with Treasurer & Director Wright confirming three years. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

PUBLIC WORKS announced better Ameren summer rates at 7.8 cents per kilowatt hour, approximately a 35% reduction, and the overwhelming success of the City-wide Cleanup Day. Mayor Hall noted the worthwhile project. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

FIRE reported on calls for service, inspections and follow-ups, the new Best Western’s expected June opening, and thanked the Public Works crews for their assistance in clearing the remnants of the fire last week; and announced the ambulance billing clerk having passed her coding testing. Mayor Hall noted the quick removal of the fire remnants. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

POLICE reported on calls for service and 44 arrests. Mr. Dhermy inquired as to the new cameras and resisting arrests. Chief Gaines noted the court review of the cameras. Commissioner Phipps inquired as to the new traffic cameras with Chief Gaines noting constant hits, the ordering of 12 cameras with IDOT to install those on State routes. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

ARTS AND TOURISM announced a successful second Bagel Bites, upcoming Quilt Show, Movies in the Park, and working on 4th of July and Bagelfest. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT noted attendance of a technical assistance meeting; received a roads grant for the Sports Complex, and qualification for additional funding through TARP, Kubota grant for the Pump Track and Garden, partnership with IL Housing Authority for 125 houses per zone and the Strong Community Grant. Mr. Ed Dowd of the Mattoon Chamber inquired as to the completion of Community Pocket Park with Manager Benishek between late July but before September. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.


Commissioner Closson provided an update on the Lake Mattoon rip raft and upcoming oil and chip at Dodge Grove Cemetery. Commissioner Graven had no further comments. Commissioner Phipps applauded Director Barber’s foresight with the Ameren rates and waiting and the Public Works crews for the City-wide Cleanup. Mayor Hall noted focus on liquor ordinance forms, filling seats on committees, groundbreaking of the Sports Complex, reviewed data for FOIA request and attended Housing Committee meeting. Mayor Hall opened the floor for questions with no response.

Commissioner Phipps seconded by Commissioner Graven moved to Adjourn at 7:26 p.m.

Mayor Hall declared the motion carried by the following vote: YEA Commissioner Closson, ABSENT Commissioner Cox, YEA Commissioner Graven, YEA Commissioner Phipps, YEA Mayor Hall.
