
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Villa Grove Committee of the Whole City Council met July 25

City of Villa Grove Committee of the Whole City Council met July 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


The City Council Committee of the Whole of the City of Villa Grove met in the regular Committee of the Whole session on Monday, July 25, 2022 in Council Chambers. Mayor Eversole-Gunter called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Roll call found the following members present: Alderman Blaney, Cheely, Pangburn. Aldermen Johnson, Garrett, and Hooker were absent. City Administrator Athey, Clerk Osborne, PD Director Rea, and PW Director Lake were also present. Council followed all COVID 19 protocols for social distancing.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Mayor stood and led all attendees in The Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENTS - No public comments.

CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT - Jacki Athey stated: The VG Chamber of Commerce is planning a fundraiser in October, a ‘Wine Walk’ of all of the businesses. The Audit is almost completed. August 13 will be the groundbreaking with UP at Richman Park. Aug. 30 is the ILAW Open House. Jacki will be gone for the next meeting on Aug. 8.

DEPARTMENT REPORTS - P.D. Report-Chief Rea: Dylan will graduate from PTI on August 11. Chief met with the School superintendent to discuss holding some training there before school begins for emergency threats. This will move forward with more planning. They also have reports of false entertainment ads being run once again by the same person who has done it previously, so if you see any postings, please report to the P.D.

Public Works: Director Lake met with the engineer about the tunnel with the partial collapse. They recommend taking the sidewalk out to provide access to work on the smaller circular section where the issue is. The quote for adding onto the maintenance main building on Front Street was $170k, provided by Ridgeline Roofing. Tires for the service truck need replaced and the consensus is to purchase the least expensive set at this time.

MAYORAL REPORT - The Mayor has a time set for the donor for the Splashpad to meet with the architect.


1. Purchase of replacement pump(s) for old sewer plant - The Gasvoda quote is the only feasible option and will take 4-5 weeks to arrive. Consensus was given to purchase this.

2. Potential purchase of Azavar Insights and Analytics software - City Administrator was asked to get more information and an ROI for council to make an informed decision.

3. Other items brought before the Council for discussion

CLOSED SESSION - Alderman Cheely motioned to go into closed session at 6:44 pm to under the Open Meetings Act according to section 2(c)(1) of 5ILCS/120/2 Exceptions to Open Meetings Act for the discussion of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees. No further business to be conducted after. Alderman Hooker seconded the motion. Roll Call: Alderman Blaney, yea, Cheely, yea, Hooker, yea, Mayor, yea. Motion carried. Council returned to open session at 7:24 pm.

ADJOURNMENT - With no further business, Alderman Cheely motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Alderman Hooker seconded the motion. Roll Call: Alderman Blaney, yea, Cheely, yea, Hooker, yea, Mayor, yea. Motion carried.
