Village of Noble Village Board met March 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Village Council met on the above date at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order and present were Brad Kessler, Tresa Hundley, Paul Summers, Gary Ulm, Carol O’Dell and Jana Baker. Remote Carl Klingler. Absent Janet Pflaum. Guests were Don Carlyle and Brian VanBlaricum.
Opened with silent prayer and followed by reciting Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion made by Carol O’Dell to approve February 28, 2022 minutes. Seconded by Paul Summers. All voting Aye.
No Treasurer Report provided.
Don Carlyle was present to discuss the Noble Freedom Festival coming up on July 2 that is sponsored by the Noble Lions Club. They have provided insurance to use Village property. The festival will be held in the Noble Park with the majority of activities occurring between 11a.m. to 3p.m. The festival will be family and children oriented. It will include antique tractors, antique lawn mower and antique/classic/show car displays, music throughout the day, craft and flea market vendors, games and activities for children (All Free – Balloons by Kimberly, face painting, bounce house, slide, barrel train rides and more). No setup fee for vendor booths this year. The Noble Lions Club will serve Free watermelon. Wetherell Concessions and the Smokin’ Pig Concessions will be on site for lunch and snacks. The parade will leave from West Richland Center at 1p.m. travel west on IL Rte 250, turn North on Noble Ave., turn East on Poplar St. returning to the West Richland Center. Don mentioned taking an 8ft section of fence out back by corner..very west side of batting cage and replacing it with a swinging gate. Village Clerk has let ball league know of festival. Trustee Summers asked about what arrangements, if it was too wet? Don said if too wet then tractors will be in West Richland Center area. Don asked if Village could provide no parking signs, porta potties, wash stations and contribute towards some electrical that needs done for vendors. Don got a quote from Dan’s Electric for approx.... $3,900.00 (with prevailing wage) for installing 2 50 amp circuit breakers in the park for concession vendor’s requirements. Items/matters will be placed on agenda for next board meeting. Motion made by Gary Ulm to approve Resolution to close IL Rte. 250 for the day of the Festival on July 2, along with N. Noble Ave., East Poplar St. and S. Lund St.; Also, close N. Noble Ave. for May 7 for the Car Show and N. Noble Ave., E. Elm St. and WildCat St. for the Noble Chowder on August 13. Seconded by Carol O’Dell. All voting Aye.
Brian VanBlaricum is on the Richland County Board and mentioned funds the county has from American Rescue Plan (ARP). He represents Noble, Denver and Decker areas and wants to see some of the ARP money come over to the Noble area for projects. Upon talking with Don about the electric situation Brian thought funds for that could be requested through the County ARP funds, as this would fall under community involvement. Brian said Noble would need to get estimates in detail from companies and get them turned into County. Mayor Kessler had turned in projects for water line and sewer with total cost but not a break down, so he will get more details and turn in projects again. Brian will pick up detailed request when ready. Don will get estimate from Dan’s Electric. Trustee Klingler mentioned handicap accessible restrooms for the Noble Park. Mayor Kessler will contact Mike Bridges for a quote.
Turn in projects for the budget.
Please remove ground decorations at the Noble Cemetery March 31. Remaining decorations will be disposed of.
Cleanup in the village is scheduled for April 27.
Mayor Kessler mentioned a CD that is coming due on March 23 and the Trustees agreed to let it roll over for another 9 months. The Board would like to be informed of all CD’s when due.
The Village received an email stating that Noble will receive a 5th installment from Rebuild Illinois (MFT) in the amount of $7,436.16 and it is supposed to be received this week.
Easter Egg Hunt will be held in the Noble Park on April 16 at 2p.m.
Trustee Baker inquired about ditch work that is supposed to be done on Walnut St. & Passport Rd? Mayor Kessler will contact Steve Kinkade.
Trustee Summers wanted to acknowledge the hard work of the Village Clerk and Mayor during the time of the situation within the Treasurer Dept. He thought there should be an allotment given to each of them. Discussion held. Motion made by Paul Summers to give a bonus to be counted as a wage in the amount of $300.00 to Mayor Kessler and $1,000.00 to Village Clerk. Seconded by Carol O’Dell. Roll Call Vote Taken, All voting Aye.
Board was informed the Village received an email and a certified letter from Illinois Department of Labor regarding the sidewalk project done by Beachy Construction. The Village Clerk has responded and provided documentation that was requested. It appears this situation is in regards to Beachy Construction and their certified payroll showing they paid prevailing wage. Mr. Beachy came into the village hall, handed IDOL letter to Village Clerk and said he thought the village was supposed to have the documents that the IDOL was requesting from him. The Village Clerk told him the documents being requested were his records that he would need to provide IDOL.
Mayor Kessler discussed the recent water breaks and boil orders due to Triple H (for Wabash) boring and hitting water lines in Noble. The first boil order was when an 8inch main was hit, south of tower and Mayor talked with Bill and he couldn’t remember, he thinks it was marked with a flag and/or paint never the less the company doing the work had crossed it 3 times and knew it was there. Mayor Kessler first told Bill to send the company a bill, then talked to a couple board members and since company Circle H that hit it did the labor, village supplied parts. Mayor Kessler along with board members decided not to send a bill since Circle H did labor. Trustee Baker asked if this was one that was given a verbal? Mayor Kessler said he didn’t know but Bill said he couldn’t remember which if marked with flag or paint and hit anyway; The second one was at the park and it was mismarked. Mayor Kessler spoke to Bill about that one. Reason he did talk with Bill about it was because that situation was different with boil order but nobody was without water and told him next time make sure mark, flag and hand painted them; The third one on E. Elm St., Bill said it was marked. The excavator guy said it was marked and just miscalculated and it was on them, invoice them. Invoiced company of approx.. $829.00. Mayor Kessler said 1st kinda/maybe village fault and 2nd village fault but last one company fault. Mayor Kessler asked next one main marked go 8ft and company guy said he was trying and next time make sure go that deep. Trustee Baker concern was overtime involved and taxpayers money paying that and the confusion of the time that the water was to be boiled. Water is to be boiled 5 minutes. The Village Clerk informed the Trustees that the Village employee’s overtime/hourly wages were invoiced to the company for the last break/repair. Mayor Kessler said we got to be thankful we have water and inconvenience when a main is hit and have a boil order. Village Clerk has been checking with different companies for an alert/mass calling system to notify water customers of boil orders, etc.
Motion made by Carol O’Dell to pay bills. Seconded by Paul Summers. All voting Aye.
Motion made by Jana Baker to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Seconded by Carol O’Dell. All voting Aye.
Meeting adjourned until March 28, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. at the Noble Village Hall.