
East Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of Westfield Village Board met June 1

Webp meeting240

Village of Westfield Village Board met June 1.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Bill Fouty, Quincy Blanchard, Jim Dollahan, Seth Edwards, Scott Adams, Aaron Hacker

Members Absent: Nate Evans

Others Present: Chief Hanley, Supt. Coartney, Treasurer Sherry Robison, Rob Robison, Matt Taggart, Joy Hupp, Trisha Gilbert, Attorney Rich Bernardoni Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Mayor Fouty at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Fouty, present, Adams, present, Edwards, present, Evans, absent, Hacker, present, Dollahan, present, Blanchard, present

Pledge of Allegiance: Given

Discuss Appropriations: Attorney Richard Bernardoni was present and discussed the appropriations with the board.

Discuss and Approve a Resolution Concerning the Sale of Cannabis: Hacker made the motion to accept the resolution, given that it could be put on the next election ballet. Edwards seconded the motion. Dollahan, nay, Blanchard, aye, Edwards, aye, Adams, aye, Hacker, aye, Evans, absent.

Discuss and Approve Electronic and/or Telephonic Meetings: Discussed. Dollahan made the motion to approve, Hacker seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Accepting Bids for Crown Vic (old police car): Dollahan made the motion to accept the bids at a minimum of $1500. Hacker seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve March Minutes: Hacker made motion to accept the minutes. Dollahan seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved

Approve May Special Meeting Minutes: Dollahan made the motion to accept the minutes. Edwards seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve Payment of Bills: Motion to accept payment of bills for March, April and May was made by Edwards, seconded by Dollahan. Adams, aye, Edwards, aye, Evans, absent, Hacker, abstained, Dollahan, aye, Blanchard, aye. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve Financial Statement: Dollahan made motion to accept the financial statement. Blanchard seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve Transfer of Funds: Hacker made the motion to accept the transfers of Community Center Saving to General Fund for $500.00, PD to purchase vehicle $1500, PD Equipment to General Fund $3000, General Fund to Gym Fund for $125. Blanchard seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved. The Board gave Treasurer Robison permission to move $5000 from Disaster Relief Fund as needed.

Citizens Comments: Matt Taggart, Joy Hupp and Trisha Gilbert were present to discuss the building on Washington Street. Discussion took place. Supt. Coartney explained the repairs were in the works. Demolition was not feasible due to the cost.

Discuss and Approve Committee Reports: None

Discuss and Approve Police Report: Report was reviewed. Chief Hanley discussed the need for another part time office. Will be placed on next month’s agenda. Edwards made the motion to accept the police report. Dollahan seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Utility Superintendent’s Report: Report was reviewed. Hacker made the motion to accept the police report. Dollahan seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Sale of Misc. Items from Bank Building: Discussed. Edwards made the motion to move forward. Dollahan seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Discuss and Approve Bids for Floor Renovation for Old Bank Building: Dollahan made the motion to table the issue. Hacker seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.

Approve an Ordinance Adopting A Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment For Village of Westfield: Dollahan made the motion to accept the ordinance. Blanchard seconded the motion. Adams, aye, Edwards, aye, Evans, absent, Hacker, aye, Dollahan, aye, Blanchard, aye. Motion carried. Approved.

Other Business: None.

Adjourn Meeting: Dollahan made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. Blanchard seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved.
