10 Eagle Pointe$200,000Property Tax (2018): $4,141.78Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.07%Buyer: Gary L. and Linda J. KirbySeller: Stephen and Karen McComas
5486 Lincoln Highway Road$120,000Property Tax (2018): $2,275.40Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.90%Buyer: Michelango A. and Mary J. MilanoSeller: Travis J. and Emily A. Homer
2004 St.$10,000Property Tax (2018): $734.02Effective Property Tax Rate: 7.34%Buyer: Hortenstine Properties : V LLCSeller: McElwee Molly Jo and Billie L.
846 St.$67,500Property Tax (2018): $2,847.22Effective Property Tax Rate: 4.22%Buyer: David J. BerrySeller: Robert P., Kathleen A. and Christopher Bates