Arcola School District #306 Board of Education Building Committee Policy Committee met May 2.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Present: Tom Mulligan, Superintendent; Board Members: Dr. Robert Arrol, Lucas Shonkwiler, Craig Wesch and Sue Stout.
The committee meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm
The committee discussed the Feb/March 2019 PRESS Packet changes to board policies. The committee decided which ones will be recommended to the full Board for approval for second reading.
The committee also discussed two recommendations related to the high school handbook. Dr. Mulligan recommended not closing campus for the freshman and sophomore students for the 19- 20 school year. He indicated that he would like to implement drug dog searches and research the possibility of random drug testing as an alternative first. Second, Dr. Mulligan recommended that the board add a provision to the athletic handbook that requires students serving a suspension for an athletic code violation to complete the season in order for the suspension to be considered served.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.