City of Neoga Council met March 26.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Call To Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Tony Kepp. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Those present were: Commissioners Lindley, Edwards, Hartke, Groves, and Mayor Kepp. Others present were City Clerk Brenda Evans, City Treasurer Diana Foor, Superintendent Tom Helm, Police Chief Andy Schabbing, Building Inspector Jeff Morrison, Shawn Durbin, Scott Shumard, Jessica Atwell, Sheila Atwell, Kirk Allen, Bob Stretch, Gene Creek, Nathan Ward, Jessica Aslakson, Billie Chambers, Wes Chambers, Lincoln Andrews, and Tom Strohl.
After reviewing the minutes, Commissioner Hartke made a motion to approve the regular session minutes from March 12, 2018. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Ayes, Commissioner Hartke, Groves, Lindley, Edwards, and Mayor Kepp. Nays, none. Motion carried. 5-0.
Public Affairs, Mayor Kepp:
Executive Session:
Commissioner Groves made a motion at 7:02 pm to move into executive session for Personnel - Section 2 (c) (1) – Employee hiring, firing, compensation, discipline and performance and Litigation – Section 2 (c) (11) – Pending, Probable or imminent litigation. Probable or imminent litigation requires specific finding to that effect in closed session minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hartke. Ayes, Commissioner Groves, Lindley, Edwards, Hartke, and Mayor Kepp. Nays, none. Motion carried. 5-0.
Reconvened And Roll Call:
The meeting was reconvened at 7:24 p.m. on a motion from Commissioner Groves. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Those present for roll call were: Commissioners Lindley, Edwards, Hartke, Groves, and Mayor Kepp
Ordinance #910-03-18 An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale of Personal Property (1994 Chevrolet Caprice)
After reviewing the ordinance, Commissioner Hartke made a motion to accept the Ordinance as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Ayes, Commissioner Hartke, Groves, Lindley, Edwards, and Mayor Kepp. Nays, none. Motion carried. 5-0.
Life Center Donation-
City Clerk Evans told the Council that the Cumberland County Life Center sent a donation request. Evans said that the past few years the Council has asked any organization or group to approach the Neoga Township first. In the past, if the township donates, then the Council would match those dollars when possible. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to table the request until further information is received.
Revolving Loan Fund Projects-
City Clerk Evans told the Council that the revolving loan program ended last year, and the City will need to return the fund balance to the State of Illinois in order to apply to use those funds for two (2) public works projects. Evans explained that additional research on the projects needs to be completed before a decision is made. After little discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to table the discussion.
Finance, Commissioner Hartke:
Monthly Bills-
After reviewing the bill list, Commissioner Hartke made a motion to pay the monthly bills as presented in the amount of $187,428.56. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Groves. Ayes, Commissioner Hartke, Groves, Lindley, Edwards, and Mayor Kepp. Nays, none. Motion carried. 5-0.
Public Property, Commissioner Groves:
Tree Removal-
Superintendent Helm presented to the Council quotes to remove three (3) trees that are on City Boulevards. Helm read off the bids as follows: Strasburg Tree Service $1675; and Mr. Bob’s Landscaping $1100. Mr. Helm recommended that the City have Strasburg Tree Service remove the trees because they have done trees for the city before, they have always done an excellent job. After a brief discussion, Commissioner Groves made a motion to have Strasburg Tree Service remove three (3) Trees. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Ayes, Commissioner Groves, Lindley, Edwards, Hartke, and Mayor Kepp. Nays, none. Motion carried. 5-0.
Professional Services Agreement With Milano & Grunloh-
Engineer Lee Beckman explained to the council that the agreement for needed for the 6th Street water main replacement. With little discussion, Commissioner Groves made a motion to accept the agreement as presented from Milano & Grunloh. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hartke. Ayes, Commissioner Groves, Lindley, Edwards, Hartke, and Mayor Kepp. Nays, none. Motion carried. 5-0.
Change Order #1-
Engineer Lee Beckman presented Change Order #1 for the 6th Street water line replacement project. The change stated that additional material was needed. Commissioner Groves made a motion to approve change order #1 in the amount of $24,613.40. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Ayes, Commissioner Groves, Lindley, Edwards, Hartke, and Mayor Kepp. Nays, none. Motion carried. 5-0.
Hiring Responsible Operator In Charge-
City Clerk Evans told the Council that the city needed to hire an Operator in Charge in accordance to the IEPA regulations. Evans said that she has spoken to IEPA, and they have explained that the City has to have someone at all times. It was the consensus of the council to research all our options before making a decision.
Streets And Alleys, Commissioner Edwards:
2018 MFT Project-
Superintendent Helm gave the Council maps of proposed roads that may need attention this year. Option #1 was to have 205,980 sq. ft. of micro surfacing; Option #2 has a combination of micro surfacing as well as oil and chip; option #3 is just oil and chip. Helm said he is still waiting on cost estimates and hopes that they will be available in the coming days.
Health And Safety, Commissioner Lindley:
No report was given.
Public Comments:
Gene Creek, property owner at 1012 Locust Avenue, informed the Council that as of last Thursday or Friday he was no longer represented by counsel. Creek said that he agrees to move his building so that it complies with city zoning and to pay the $5,400 in fines that have accrued.
Kirk Allen pointed out sections of the City’s Zoning that he would like to see some clarification on. Allen read different sections that he was concerned about and then reminded the Council of the four words they said to start the meeting, “And Justice for All”.
Lincoln Andrews told the Council that Mr. Creek’s intentions were pure, and he personally feels that the Creeks were treated differently. Andrews said that they tried to make it right, and not everyone knows of the permitting process. Andrews also stated that he believes each council member is in violation of at least one ordinance, and he hopes that all ordinance will be enforced from here forward.
Building Inspector Jeff Morrison thanked Mr. Creek for taking the time to find other violations in town and for keeping us accountable. Morrison also thanked the Council for giving their time to serve the citizens of Neoga.
Tom Strohl addressed the Council about a number of issues, and he thanked Commissioner Hartke for looking at his concerns, safety hazards, and water lines. Strohl said that he was in the City Clerk’s office on the previous Friday regarding the mowing bid packets. Strohl said he had questions like what did it mean by neat? His idea of neat may not be the same as someone else’s. Also, it states to hand trim around the monuments, did that mean with hand trimmer or a gas powered one? It also states that the monuments had to be blown off which has never been done in the past after each mowing. Strohl said that once he starts mowing, he mows every week no matter what. Strohl said he just wants to make sure everyone was bidding the same; apples to apples not apples to oranges.
City Clerk Evans said that the dates were incorrect and the bids would be reissued.
Commissioner Groves made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Ayes, Commissioner Groves, Lindley, Edwards, Hartke, and Mayor Kepp. Nays, none. Motion carried. 5-0.