The Charleston Carnegie Public Library Board of Trustees met Oct. 3 to accept financial reports.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:
Charleston Library Board Agenda
Monday, October 3rd, 2016 – 6:30 pm
1. Call to Order
2. Roll call
Banks x___ Cunningham x ___ Droste _x__ Keefe__x_ Monahan _x__ Newell _x__ Ricci_x__ Wiseman_x__
3. Public Comment, none
4. Board President’s Comments, non
5. Omnibus Agenda
A. Approval of the September 12th, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes
B. Acceptance of the Grant & Donation Report
C. Acceptance of the Statistics Report
D. Acceptance of Financial Reports- provided at the meeting
E. Approval of the bills payable- provided at the meeting
Motion to approve: __BW__ Seconded: BN____
Banks __x_ Cunningham _x__ Droste _x__ Keefe__x_ Monahan _x__ Newell _x__ Ricci_x__ Wiseman_x__
Heather: 3rd property tax distribution arrived with one more in November. Payroll account numbers were
high due to accrued time pay off of Jeanne and Ruth. Additional money was spent in October that is
normally not spent, this was for job posting fees
6. Action Items
Action Item 2016-14: Discuss & approve becoming a smoke free campus
Motion to approve: __MR__ Seconded: _TK___
Yeas__8 Nays_0__
There was an incident with a lit cigarette being placed into the inside book drop. No damage was
caused and the fire department was not called. The police were notified of the incident. The idea of
being a tobacco free campus was talked about due to complaints from people smoking outside on the
Action Item 2016-15: Discuss & approve additional holiday
Motion to approve: ___TK_ Seconded: __CC__
Yeas__8_ Nays__0_
There has been minimal library use on December 26th. It was decided to keep the library closed on the 26th
and evaluate it again in 2017.
7. Recess into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel-5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) at
7:04pm ___ P.M.
Motion to approve: __TK__ Seconded: __MM__
Yeas_8__ Nays__0_
Discussed the status of the open director position. Since reposting there was only one more candidate that was
qualified. Kattie Livingston applied for the position and the board feels she is qualified and is the best candidate. The
board made a motion to offer Kattie the position at $38,000 and she accepted.
8. Motion to move out of executive session, Motion to approve, CC, Second LB, Yeas 8, Neys 0
9. Discussion Items
A. Next Board Meeting Monday, November 7th, 2016 at 6:30pm
B. Update on library happenings from Kattie, Board Liaison
C. Kattie: new hires for the information desk are working out. Rita interviewed candidates for the
janitor position and the person accepted. Currently all open positions are now filled.
10. Adjournment