
East Central Reporter

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Lawrenceville City Council announces 'Shop with a Cop' day on Dec. 13


Lawrenceville City Council met Thursday, Nov. 10.

Here are the minutes as provided by Lawrenceville:


NOVEMBER 10, 2016


The Council of the City of Lawrenceville, Lawrence County, Illinois met in regular session in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall Building on Thursday, November 10, 2016 at the hour of 7:00 p.m. The following Aldermen were present on roll call: Blacketer, Fritch, Holcomb, Stevens, Courtney, Lynn and Waldrop. Absent: Howder.

Mayor Wagner called the meeting to order. Waldrop gave the prayer. All present then recited the Pledge of Allegiance while facing the flag.

The Council had earlier received copies of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of October 13, 2016. Mayor Wagner asked for questions or comments. Lynn made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 13, 2016. Waldrop seconded the motion. Motion passed on a voice vote.

The Council had earlier received copies of the bills of the City, Sewer and Water Departments for October. Mayor Wagner asked for questions or comments. Blacketer made a motion to approve paying the bills for October. Holcomb seconded the motion. Motion passed on a roll call vote 7-0-1. Yeas: Blacketer, Holcomb, Fritch, Stevens, Courtney, Lynn and Waldrop. Nays: None. Absent: Howder.

Mayor Wagner reported the City’s accounts to the Council. The City working budget is 11.4% under budget into the 16-17 fiscal year. Mayor Wagner praised all City employees for their hard work and dedication to the City.

Charlie Gillespie, of the Route 50 Four-Lane Coalition reported to the Council. A plan design for a four-lane roadway beginning east of Lawrenceville and continuing west of the Wal-Mart distribution center near Olney, IL. The Coalition met with Congressman John Shimkus and the possibility of gaining federal monies for the project is looking more positive. Gillespie said by the summer the environmental study should be completed, and then an engineering design will start. Mayor Wagner praised Gillespie for being one of the “unsung heroes for this county”.

Mayor Wagner presented Ordinance #1512 to the Council. Ordinance #1512 stated the IMLRMA min/max payment plans. Mayor Wagner recommended to the Council that the city pay the premium in one lump-sum of $130,308.75, $652.00 less from a year ago. Mayor Wagner asked for questions or comments.

Waldrop made a motion to approve Ordinance #1512, with one lump-sum payment of $130,308.75 to IMLRMA. Blacketer seconded the motion. Motion passed on a roll call vote 7-0-1. Yeas: Blacketer, Waldrop, Courtney, Fritch, Lynn, Holcomb and Stevens. Nays: None. Absent: Howder.

Blacketer, Chairman of the Streets and Alley Committee, informed the Council that the Street department will be purchasing a bucket truck. A 2000 Freightliner Cummins diesel with a bucket reach of 60 feet. The purchase will be made from Wayne Wakefield for $15,000.00.

Mayor Wagner asked for questions or comments. Waldrop made a motion to approve purchase of a utility tractor for $15,000.00 for the Street department. Blacketer seconded the motion. Motion passed on a roll call vote 7-0-1. Yeas: Holcomb, Courtney, Fritch, Waldrop, Blacketer, Stevens and Lynn. Nays: None. Absent: Howder.

Mayor Wagner noted that the Area Law Association “Shop with a Cop” is requesting a stipend.

Waldrop made a motion for a $500.00 stipend to “Shop with a Cop”. Lynn seconded the motion. Motion passed on a roll call vote 7-0-1. Yeas: Holcomb, Courtney, Fritch, Waldrop, Blacketer, Lynn and Stevens. Nays: None. Absent: Howder.

Mayor Wagner reported to the Council that the Lawrenceville American legion Auxiliary, has invited the Council members and the public to a December 10th soup lunch and auction. The event is a fund raiser to benefit children and veterans programs. The soup luncheon begins at noon and the auction at 1:00 p.m.

Mayor Wagner asked for questions or comments. Fritch made a motion to approve a $250.00 stipend for the Legion Aux. fund raiser. Courtney seconded the motion. Motion passed on a roll call vote 7-0-1. Yeas: Blacketer, Courtney, Lynn, Fritch, Holcomb, Stevens and Waldrop. Nays: None. Absent: Howder.

Mayor Wagner noted a letter from Homefield Energy announce that A.G.E. Affordable Gas and Electric has merged with Southern Energy Partner to form Southern Illinois Aggregation Partnership. The coalition will bring increased buying power to lower energy rates in Southern Illinois.

Mayor Wagner read thank you notes to the Council: Lawrence County C.E.O. for using the Civic Center, Rivet tennis Team for the use of the tennis courts at the City Park, Cross country teams from Lawrenceville and Bridgeport for the City’s generous support. Karen Miller and Dixie Reyes thanked the city for the new sidewalk.

Stevens commented on the work on the shelter house in the park is proceeding well.

A Veteran’s Memorial ceremony will be held on November 11th at 11:00, on the square.

The CEO program has invited the Council members and the public to a November 11th dinner and auction. The dinner event tickets are $12.00 a person or $90.00 for a table. The dinner begins at 6 p.m.

Last day for yard waste pick-up from Republic Services will be November 28th.

A “tree lighting” on December 6th at City hall is open to the public. For information, call City Hall at 943-2116.

Area Law Association “Shop with a Cop” will take place Tuesday December 13th.

Lynn made a motion to adjourn. Holcomb seconded the motion. The motion was approved by voice vote. Time: 7:40 p.m.